Date with the wrong girl

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I kept waiting on a response from Mon but all I got were the two blue ticks beside the message stating that she read it. I can't believe my first date with Mon ended up being a date with this idiot. The server had brought all of our plates to the table while I stared at my phone screen.

Kirk: "Thank you." The server left. "Please eat a lot Sam." I didn't even glance at him. "Sam." He had to say my name a couple of times in order to get my attention. "The food is here." I nodded and started eating quickly. "Slow down, will you? You'll choke."

Sam: "I'm trying to eat fast so we can do the errand and we can hurry back home."

Kirk: "There's no need to rush."

Sam: "Kirk, eat your food. I'm already wasting enough time as it is." He look offended.

Kirk: "I just want to spend time with you outside of work."

Sam: "Ok, but it didn't have to be today. I told you I had stuff to do, but you didn't care. You have to stop using grandmother as an excuse to coerce me to do everything you want. I'm getting tired of it."

Kirk: "I'm sorry." The rest of meal was eaten in silence. While walking towards the courthouse to see the lawyer in charge of grandmother's land, Kirk mentioned something about getting a partner for the company.

Sam: "Will I hold all of the power? Will I still be able to do as I please in the company if I get a partner?" He looked away. "A partner comes with many conditions so think before you speak."

Kirk: "Let's just go see the lawyer."

The meeting with the lawyer took longer than expected. Grandmother's land weren't in great shape. Most of the crops were dying and there were many offers to buy the land and turn it into an extra parking space for the shopping center that was nearby.

After hours of discussion, it was agreed that they would try a new method to help the crops grow at a faster rate and if it didn't succeed, the land would be sold to the highest bidder. I practically ran out of the building and got into the car. Kirk had mentioned he was going to the bathroom, so I took that time to check my messages.

I had a couple of missed calls from Tee, Jim and Kate, a few messages from Mon and a notification of Mon's Instagram account. Tee had posted a picture with Mon eating prawns at a restaurant on her page and Mon had shared it in her story. She went out with Tee. I can't believe it. I needed to speak to Mon.

I raced back home and dropped off Kirk so he could leave in his own car.

Kirk: "Sam, where are you going at this hour?"

Sam: "Meeting my friends, bye." I hurried over to Mon's home and the scene that I saw made my blood boil. Tee was walking Mon to her home. I got out of my car and grabbed the bag of food I had gotten for Mon.

Tee: "Took you long enough to finally show up." I pushed her away from me and she had to lean against the car for support.

Mon: "Tee! Are you alright?" Mon glanced between me and Tee. Can you stop touching her, Mon?

Tee: "Yes. Yes, I'm fine." Mon was grabbing her arm and looking into Tee's eyes. It was just for a couple of seconds, but for me it felt like they were at the beginning of a staring contest between lovers.

Sam: "Where did you go?" I couldn't even look at Mon right now.

Tee: "Didn't Mon tell you? We went to eat river prawns then to a karaoke room." Sounds like a date. I'm getting angrier by the minute.

Sam: "Karaoke?" Tee nodded. I took on look at Mon and my anger melted a bit. I hate the effect she's having on me right now with her adorable pouty face. "Here. I bought this for you." I extended my arm holding the bag of food, on the outside there was a sticker of the restaurant that Kirk and I went to.

Tee: "Mon just ate that. Do you want her to turn into a river prawn?" She tried grabbing the bag. If I were a dog I would have bitten off her hand.

Sam: "I bought them for Mon." I was grinding my teeth with anger. Who the hell does Tee think she is? Mon's girlfriend or something? I looked at Mon hoping for answers, but as before she avoided my eyes. Back to square one.

Tee: "Where the hell have you been? You ate river prawns as well."

Sam: "Yeah, with Kirk."

Tee: "I see. Isn't your husband here as well?" I really wanted to hit Tee at that moment.

Sam: "What husband?! Do not put that word in my mouth."

Tee: "Hey, chill. We've been calling him that for ages." Was Mon ever going to speak or did the river prawns get her tongue in a twist? This conversation with Tee was getting on my nerves. "You seem quite stressed." She placed her hand on my shoulder and I moved it away. "Hey, it's me, your friend remember?"

Sam: "Was it just the two of you?"

Tee: "For dinner, yes. Kate, Jim, and Yuki joined us for karaoke." Yuki got out of the car and greeted me. "Ok...I'm going to take Yuki home. Good luck, Mon." Tee and Yuki got into the car and left. Mon looked at the car as it left. Did she miss her already or what?

Sam: "Mon!"

Mon: "Yes?"

Sam: "Don't talk to me." I got in my car and left, hitting the steering wheel as hard as I could in frustration. Why Tee? You're one of my best friends, you should already know that I'm crazy about Mon. Why would you take her out on a date? 

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