Episode 13: Take down Strix; Secret connection revealed

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Both Laura and Ryuto ran to Neo as Ryuto caught exhusted Neo before falling to ground " Woah! This was scary ..... This is the power of 7 Demon's? " - Ryuto looks worried as Laura looks at her sleeping friend "And he managed to have full control over them? That's was...... I am speachless..... But it was really scary" - she said and knee down next to two boys.

Susanoomon appears over Ryuto with Rainbowdragomon and Yggdrasil " but thing is ..... This wasn't the full power of Demon Lords"- as Rainbowdragomon looks " You mean Ogudomon wasn't present?" - on which Yggdrasil sheak head "Demon Lords holds X-antibody too but I haven't felt X protein in their digi-core"

Both teens looks "They have X-antibody?! We would be doomed!"
Yggdrasil looks down as Omnimon stood above Neo "Please partner wake up" - Omnimon looks down as Neo slowly starts to wake up "W-What happened? My head hurts like hell" - he said rubbing the back of his hand as Laura hugs him tight "you been asleep "

Neo blush at his friends actions as he suddenly remember the duel " Where is Mikado?! "
Ryuto looks back "good morning dork , Mikado is no more. You sent the bastard down to hell"

Laura huffs and pouts "that is my nickname for him! As for you Neo..... You used Demon Lords..... Somehow" - on those words Neo was stunned but soon remembers " That bastard talked bad about my family, so I think Demon Lords felt my anger"

Yggdrasil nods " That is the case but..... You had full control over them! Like you knew them all this time"

Neo looks down " Yggdrasil..... You got it..... I knew them from before...... " - As Yggdrasil cut him off "How? Explain us please " - Neo chuckles " I was getting to it. But do you remember every time I would say someone is watching me? "
Yggdrasil simply nods "yes I do .... But what is connection? *As realisation hits him* Wait!?! You mean you could have felt their presence and see them?!" ; Neo nods " Yes, I could have feel them , but only one appearing before me was always Beelzemon . But before you ask ..... I have no intention of giving you up *he looks at Lord Knightmon and his little group* even if you planned to destroy humans *pink knight looks down in shame* But as I said..... I won't trow you away ! You guys were by my side since birth..... So.... It wouldn't feel right for me to just trow you away, So I forgive you all. You are my guardian angels " - Neo smiles at his spirits as Ryuto says " Bro! Sorry that I am interupting the reunion but I got info you might wanna see " - Ryuto moves aside showing the PC screen as Neo slowly gets up and walk to PC supported by Laura

Neo looks at screen and reads it

Strix Org information

Founder: Strix
Deck: Confidental
Date of birth: Unknown
Occupation: Leader Of Strix Org

Vice President: Testsuo Mikado
Deck: Unkown Digital Life Form Eater
Date of birth: 30th July 2124
Occupation: CEO Of Digital inviorment Research Association

Supporters: Khan, Nicholas and Shiba Hikari

Supporter #1
Name: Khan
Deck: Eldlich
Occupation: First Agent of Strix

Supporter #2

Name: Nicholas Kamiya
Deck: Blue-Eyes
Occupation: CEO Of Kamiya Company & Second Agent of Strix

Supporter #3

Name: Hikari Shiba
Deck: Branded Despia
Occupation: High School Teacher & Third Agent of Strix

Ryuto points to screen "here is the location, so ..... Let me guess we are going there" - Neo smiles and nods " any objections? " - as both his friends sheak head saying no " Infact I am with you on this one since Khan owns me a rematch" - Ryuto adds

Laura looks at two Boys " Do you two idiots think Strix will sit and wait for us?" - on which Neo shrugs " defenitly not I know that but there is someone I need to deal with.... Someone that swore to beat me in a rematch..... Second Agent Kamiya Nicholas! "

In another building Strix was sitting in her room while watching Neo and his friends " So Mikado lost? What a shame, but there is something good in it..... Neo managed to control Demon Lords...... I expected no less from my own flesh and blood" - she started to laugh "but even if he lost I would have deal with Mikado myself cuz of insults that pig said"

 I expected no less from my own flesh and blood" - she started to laugh "but even if he lost I would have deal with Mikado myself cuz of insults that pig said"

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Testeo Mikado: "That weak whore was useless to the point where she got used by her own deck! And your father he was no better! I sent those two losers to dark area to reaserch unknown Life Forms and that's where the fun begins"

*Flashback ends*

"And then we have Nicholas who got obliterated by Neo and the Knights" - she smirks and drags her chains on ground "but Neo awakened two marks of the demon lords if i recall correctly" - Strix grin and thinks putting finger on her lips


Nicholas Kamiya: "I AM THE PRODIGY AND THE FUTURE CEO OF KAMIYA COMPANY! HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME LIKE THIS?! " He said that as mark of pride one of seven demon marks show on his face

Neo Yukimiya: " So another spoiled rich boy who lives on his dad's money? Must be Nice,right?" - Neo looks furiois saying that as his eyes glow and same mark also appear on his face " I lived alone my whole life! So shut the hell up!"

Strix grins "Prodigy my ass....." - she sighs and smirk evil "but don't worry Nicholas I haven't forgot what you said about us dueling" - she said that as her eyes glow crimson red


Nicholas Kamiya: "Who the fuck she thinks she is?! If she isn't my boss I would duel her!" - he then grins evil
"Maybe I will duel her after all but..... I need to get myself ready and train"

*Flashback ends*

"You will get a chance to duel me if you wish for it that much, but after you lose you will burn in hell along side Mikado" - Strix laughs loud as voice echo through the building

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