Chapter two

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⊰⁠⊹Damien's POV⊰⁠⊹ฺ

My phone ringing is the first thing I hear this morning, I groan in annoyance at being woken from my much needed sleep.

'What the fuck could they want from me now?'

"What?" I answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Don't what me young man!" my mother fumes from the other end of the line.

"Sorry mom, can I help you?" I ask changing my tone, Goodness knows what she would do to me if I don't.

" Your P.A just quit this morning, this as the 3rd one in the span of two months.what the hell Damien?, I can't keep hiring people for you to fire them after a few weeks" she says with a disappointed sigh.

"She was useless anyways. None of them can do their jobs without annoying me in some way" I say frustrated because it seems like no one understands.

"Of course they are going to annoy you Damien, they are there to schedule things and remind you of meetings, which unfortunately you have a alot of" she says with with another exaggerated sigh.

"Like I said the previous one was useless, not only did she bring me coffee with 5 spoons of sugar, she was also banging the security guard and couldn't even correctly file shit, she even messed up a deal with one of my important clients, how hard could it be to set up a meeting when it's your job?" I say frustrated listing reasons.

"Damien, I honestly don't know what to say, since you find faults in every single P.A I hired, why don't you do yourself a favour and hire one yourself" she says clearly as frustrated as me as she hangs up.

'find my own personal assistant?!?, I don't even have time to find my sanity'.

I curse as I get out of bed ready to start this already horrible day. I'm in desperate need of some strong coffee so I make a mental note to pick up a cup on my way to work.

I'm the CEO of 'Lockhart corp' and let's just say being a billionaire is great and all until you don't even have time to sleep with all the meetings up your ass.

Once I'm neatly dressed in my tailor made suit, I grab a set of keys from the variety that set on the wall for my collection of cars and make my way to the chosen one.

I make a quick stop at a nearby café to get coffee before going to work. I hear and feel numerous whispers and stares as I get my coffee.

' I guess having a P.A comes in handy as they get my coffee for me and I don't have to deal with this shit'.

I gladly ignore all the stares and whispers, some were eagerly looking as they gawked at me from their seats.

'Yes I'm fucking famous but that doesn't mean people should act like Thor fell out of the sky and showed them all his ass or something, I'm just a man trying to get coffee'

Thankfully everyone part like the same sides of a magnet, which made it easier for me to order and hopefully leave sooner.

I got my coffee and left the shop. I took a sip savouring the taste of caffeine on my tastebuds but that didn't last because soon it came out in a shock filled spit.

"What the fuck?" I yell at the girl with a skateboard in her hand and a guilty expression on her face but let's not forget the huge ass dent in my car.

"I'm sorry mister , I didn't mean to, it was a mistake" she says nervously.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" I ask ignoring her apology.

'Of course she's sorry, where are her parents?...she should be in school right now, little animals shouldn't be allowed to run wild at this time of the day, she probably ditched school '

"I-i t-that's none of your business" she stutters out, that was enough to prove my assumption.

"Well unless that's your grandfather's car you just dented there, then that makes it none of my business but since it's mine... I'd like to speak to your parents" I say sternly making her visibility shake, she couldn't be over 15 year's old yet she's skipping school and skating around without a damn care, she could get hurt or kidnapped...damn millennials.

I could easily replace or repair this car but what lesson would it teach kids?, that if you break someone else's shit they'll just let you get away with it?.

that's not how life works

"I-... don't have p-parents, my sister, I live with my sister so you can speak to her" she says with a scared look in her eyes.

her sister?,what happened to her parents? I kinda feel this kid sorry now but this could just be a trick to make me feel sympathy and let this go.

"Why don't you give her a call so she can come and pick you up and we can discuss the matter of my car" I say making her face drop but she complies and calls her sister.

We wait at a park opposite the café. I could just ask for her sisters number and let her know about the doings of her younger sister but I don't feel like it's right thing to do to leave this kid in a park alone, any random asshole could approach her.

yes I'm also a stranger to her but I'm not a creep.

"You don't know who I am do you?" I ask because anyone else would have pissed their pants knowing I could easily wipe them off the face of the earth with no traces and just a phone call.

"Am I supposed to know the name of every stranger's car I mistakenly damage?" she asks making me roll my eyes, this kid has a mouth on her.

"Is this the first time you ditched school?" I asked making her cross her arms and huff.

"Yeah, not very good at it I suppose since not only have I been caught but I damaged your car and my big sister is going to kill me" she says making me chuckle but stop as she glares at me.

"What's your name by the way?" I ask.

"Roxanne" she says before looking forward in fear as she stands up.

""Val- ah ouch " she begins but ends up being whooped.

I look at the woman who is giving the teenager enough smacks to obtain a concussion, I don't know if I should help or laugh.

I assume that she's the older sister Roxanne mentioned.

I tune out their conversation as I analyse her as it seem she hasn't even noticed me yet. she has her black hair tied up and her green eyes set in a fierce glare at Roxanne.

she is absolutely beautiful. She has the loveliest set of green eyes I've ever seen and they hold such power in them even I would shiver if I was on the receiving side of that glare.

She's definitely not like any girl I've seen before, those green eyes hold no fear. What's even more surprising is that she didn't even bat a lash in my direction yet or anyone elses except for her sisters in that matter, if it was anyone else they'd be worried that others are looking and judging but not her.

She would make a great personal assistant, it's obvious that she doesn't take shit and that might be just the person I need by my side.

Now I just have to get her to agree, this situation does exactly work out in my favor since I have an upper hand but you never know how this lady who beat her little sister carefree in a public park full of strangers would react.

She's crazy...

And I like it.

"What did you do other than skip school which I slave through work everyday to get you there?" She asks her sister and I think to myself now is my chance to make myself known so I clear my throat and it effectively grabs the attention of those green eyes.

"I think I can answer that for you" I say pointing to the dent in my car.

Hey everyone 👀✋
Yeah I also don't know what nonsense I was writing but here's a chapter in Damien's pov.

But please feel free to
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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