"Um, what do you recommend."

The bartender's smile widened. "I know just the thing. I guarantee it will lift your spirits."

"Oh." Was it that obvious she was sad? Jeez.

A few minutes later, she was sipping a cool minty drink that tingled all her taste buds. She couldn't help but raise a brow at the bartender who nodded in approval. "Wow."

"Right?" He looked pleased with himself. "I call it the Rainbow Zinger. You know, cos it gives you that zing. Plus it looks like a rainbow."

Meredith chuckled. "It's a zinger alright. Thank you. Consider my spirits lifted."

The rest of her night was uneventful as she slowly sipped her drink. Then someone plopped themselves next to her stool. They leaned on the counter and said, "I'll have what the lady is having."

The middle-aged man smiled at her and Meredith smiled back politely. He wasn't what one would call traditionally handsome. But he had a kind face and endearing brown eyes that twinkled when he smiled.

"Hey." He waved.

"Hey." Not knowing what else to say, Meredith went right back to sipping her drink.

"I'm Luis."

She hesitated for a moment but said, "Meredith."

The bartender finished mixing up the drink and served the man. He took a long gulp and beamed. "Damn..." Then he took another sip. "Now I know why it put you in a better mood. What is it called again? The drink, I mean?"

"The Rainbow Zinger, I'm told."

"Ah." Luis nodded. "It's... magical. And so are you." He held Meredith's gaze.

She smiled. This wasn't why she was here. She would rather be by herself. But she just didn't know how to stop the conversation.

"You know," Luis lowered his voice, "you're so magical, it makes me wonder if you're..." Meredith froze, unnerved by the man's sudden change in disposition.

"If I'm what?" A witch?

"An angel." He chuckled.

Meredith released a deep breath. "Nope. Not an angel." She managed to keep her voice even. Did angels even exist? "Um... sorry, I have to go."

Without waiting for Luis to say anything, she left. Something wasn't quite right about the stranger. The way he looked at her made Meredith feel like he knew what she was. Who she was. Most ordinary people didn't know they were surrounded by magical beings.

But the world leaders definitely knew. They were backed by the Hunter Guild whose sole mission was to keep a tight leash over the supernatural world. Hunters might be ordinary humans, but they were incredibly effective at killing supernatural beings who broke the rules. 

Although the Witch Council and Demon Circle didn't meet eye to eye, they tolerated each other's existence to keep the Hunter Guild out of their business. The last time there had been rumors of hunters in Green Front, Meredith was only a child. Even then, it was nothing but rumors. She doubted Luis was a hunter. Maybe he was just a creepy man. Whatever he was, Meredith didn't want to be a second around him.

The clock was past ten when she left the Neon Velvet, the lone streets empty and dark. Walking home would take her about twenty minutes. But it was too dark, and she would rather take a cab home. Unfortunately, there were no cars in sight. Why had she stayed up so late? She'd completely lost track of time.

She halted suddenly as someone darted from the street junction, stopping a few feet away from her. Feeling the menacing gaze on her, Meredith's jaws clamped, a pit opening in her stomach. The figure emerged out of the darkness and stepped under the lone street light.

Her Witch, Her Demon [WxW]Where stories live. Discover now