Chapter 1

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warnings: bug eating

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warnings: bug eating

reminders: paragraphs in italic are flashbacks

— ❤︎ —

     "Ms. A said she just went to the restroom since Klee wants to wash her hands. They haven't returned, we've been waiting for ten minutes now," a woman with short pink hair remarked. She's getting impatient now, "Let's check it now!"

     "I've been telling you we should follow Ms. A before she and Klee left since she might ditch us again," a man with black hair uttered. "She's already on the other side of the ship at this point."

     "We should still check the restroom! Let's go!"

Just as the black-haired male expected, no living person is inside the restroom. Only the thing that terrifies the pink-haired girl the most—Klee's dodoco. She immediately hid behind her colleague as flashes of her first encounter with what looked to be a cute doll turned out to be deadly...

     "I'm March 7th and you must be Klee, right? Ms. A's little sister?" The pink-haired girl, now named March 7th, asked as she smiled at the young girl. "Dan Heng told me you're dangerous, but you're too cute to be labeled as dangerous. Aren't you?"

     "Mr. Dan heng is just wary about me, but worry not! Klee's a nice girl to those nice to her!" Klee assured.

March 7th completely forgot the philosophy, "Looks can be deceiving". Klee is a nice girl, just someone who couldn't stop using her bombs against someone who she sees as dangerous. Speaking of her bombs, the older female noticed the cute "toy" the young child has attached to her backpack...

     "And who might this be?" March asked, pointing at it.

     "It's dodoco!"

     "Aww! That's so cute!"

Klee's mistake was giving March a similar dodoco, but it was a bomb. The pink-haired girl couldn't help to notice the strange warmth the bomb has since she was hypnotized by its cuteness, putting the mysterious danger it contains...

A loud *bang* was heard inside Klee's room, black smoke gathering around. Once it resided, March's face was filled with dirt and excess smoke. "Ms. A" entered the room where they were in, hearing the loud explosion, and since she's the big sister of the one responsible, she has to take it from there...

     "I'm sure Ms. A is somewhere. Probably killing some Anti-Legion monsters," Dan Heng said before leaving the restroom. "Let's go March! Just leave the bomb inside there!" He called.

— ❤︎ —

In the distance, a woman with a star-shaped tattoo is seen sitting on a chair (?). That's what anyone would think since she was sketching the scene before her, occasionally comparing her sketch if she missed a detail. If you look closely, she was sitting on a corpse of what seemingly belongs to the Anti-Matter Legion's soldiers...

Its allies, someone similar to it, were about to attack her. They're not aware of a "flower elevator" rising above them with a child (?) holding a "toy". She was smiling wickedly because she was permitted to "fight" the bad guys while her big sis—the one sitting on a corpse—is busying herself drawing...

     "BOOM BOOM BAKUDAN!" The child (?) exclaimed, blowing up the enemies threatening her big sis. "I did it, big sis!" She called, stepping from the enemies’ bodies as she ran towards her sister.

     The mysterious (h/c)-headed woman patted her little sister's head, proud. "Great job, Klee. But that doesn't mean you can bomb everyone every time, alright?" She warned. She then gave the finished sketch, "Here. As per our deal, here's the finished sketch."

     "Thank you, big sis!" Klee chortled, hugging the sketch. "I'll post it in my room again in the Astral Express!"

Klee specifically wished for her big sister to draw the scene in front of them since she was fascinated. Knowing the galaxy always changes, the young girl wanted to capture this very scene and a mere picture wouldn't satiate her eyes. This explains why her sister decided to draw it for her...

     "Ms. A! Ms. A!" The voice of March was heard coming from the other side of the room, catching the attention of the siblings. "We've been searching for you everywhere... Goodness, you ditched us again!" She huffed, angry at this "Ms. A's" neglect of their work.

     "Forgive me, but I was too busy tracking something," Ms. A apologized. She then pulled a spider, "I've never seen this species, so I tracked it. Unfortunately, Klee had favored me something that's why we took longer here than I expected."

Dan Heng and March shrieked when this "Ms. A" devoured the spider in one go, unbothered by the fact she ate it alive and wiggling with its dangling eight legs. Ms. A was considered "freaky", often surprising everyone with her unpredictable decisions. You could even find her swimming in a planet filled with ice and freezing water as if it was nothing to her...

Then again, Ms. A wasn't human. That's for sure...

     "What a tasty being... The meat is juicy as well, a bit bitter though..." She whispered, tasting the bug and it certainly crawled something indecent within March. "Also haven't I told you to stop calling me Ms. A? You can just call me (Name), March. It's not a big deal calling me with a Miss."

     "She's scared of you, Ms. A... Probably surprised you ate a bug," Dan Heng stated.

     "Oh? I do remember eating a bug in her presence before. She didn't notice it?" (Name) asked, looking at March with a concerned look. "Forgive me if my actions were unsettling, but I can assure you I cause no harm to those who are Innocent."

March's lying if she said she isn't terrified by Klee's big sister. (Name) Kreideprinz is an eccentric being, feared by many due to her strange experiments which weren't authorized. But then again, she explained she was the Chief Alchemist of the place she once called "home"...

She was dubbed as a "genius" by the same woman named after the very station they were in—Herta. Herta, genius society number 38. Often seen together sharing each other's inventions (with a couple of harsh remarks from Herta, which Ms. A doesn't mind since she's used to criticism)...

Her otherworldly attitude adds her charm—a woman who possesses what they call a "vision". Well, it's not unusual since her sister also has one, but their difference is the element. In her realm, Aeons don't exist but Archons and Celestia do. Paths and Elements are combined in (Name)'s world, but it depends if Celestia is kind enough to bestow a vision to you (but then again, if you wished and have an ambition behind that wish, then they'll be kind enough to bestow you one)...

     "I see the Anti-Legion Matter didn't hesitate to infiltrate Herta's Space Station. I hope Asta managed to evacuate the researchers," (Name) started a conversation to ease the tension between her and her colleagues. "We should find Arlan, don't you think? I didn't see him when we entered earlier."

     "I guess he was busy trying to save the other stranded researchers. Let's go find him," Dan Heng encouraged.

— ❤︎ —

This is my sorry for the angst (I'm not really sorry 🙄).

❝𝐌𝐒. 𝐀𝐋𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓❞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora