It Came from the Nightosphere

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Billy, a NEWBIE HERO and FUTURE legend walked through a lush forest with a sword in hand ready for adventure.

As he walked through, he heard someone crying in these woods. It was his duty as a hero to help those in need. He jumped recklessly through the trees to reach the source of the crying.

There, after breaking a few trees on the way, he found what looked to be a tiny teenage boy with pale skin and pointy ears wearing a black jacket with a white button up under shirt and black pants crying to himself.

"Child! Why are you crying!" Billy asked enthusiastically as layed on his side half sunken into the dirt.

The teenager unintentionally giggled at Billy's antics, causing a few trees to grow next him. "Sorry, it's just so funny."

"It's fine. Now, tell me what's wrong. Is it a monster? Did it eat your entire family? I can free them from it's stomach with my bare fists!" Billy asked in a serious tone.

"No, no...I actually ate the last monster I saw. Y'know what? I think I'm fine." Said the teen as he tried to leave the area before Billy stopped him.

He jumped in front of the teen sliding through the dirt with a serious look on his face contradictory to his silly behavior.

"No, you're not." Said Billy in a serious tone. "Why were you crying?"

"I-...look, it's not your problem. You don't need to bother." Said the teen with a frown, clearly not fine as some of the grass around him rotted.

"That's the thing about being a hero. Bothering is my job, child!" Exclaimed Billy cheerfully.

At that time, Billy did not know that the teen was much much older than him so much so that it was odd to consider him a teen. Something that made the teen quite upset.

"I'm not a kid, dude. Now, go help someone else." Said the teen getting angrier, causing some trees around him to rot on accident.

Billy saw this behavior and frowned. If the person in question won't tell him what's wrong, how can he help him?

Caught in quite the conundrum, Billy put a hand on his chin and narrowed his as he thought about the solution to this equation.

And it was stalking the person for the rest of the day. Needless to say, the teen was not pleased. But for some reason, the boy did not try to hurt Billy as his magic ruined everything else around them. The giant took this as a sign to stay despite the teen saying otherwise.

"Can you PLEASE just leave me alone?! I don't want you here!" Snapped the teen angrily as he stood with Billy in a field of frozen grass.

Billy shook his head and firmly stood still, causing the teen to growl at him. The teen frowned and tried to come up with a way to get rid of the dumb giant following him around.

But in his pondering, he failed to notice an ant monster approaching him. But Billy was there. He swiftly took out the monster with his sword.

But before long, a swarm of ant monster surrounded Billy and the teen. Billy took a battle stance, ready to fight while the teen simply frowned at the monsters before releasing a wave of magic at the monsters, causing them to fuse into one giant monster that quickly melted into a puddle, killing all the monsters in one go.

"I can do that to you too, Billy. I'm not a good person." Said the teen angrily as gave Billy a death glare. "So. Stay. Away."

Billy stared at the teen calmly, not questioning how the boy knew his name. Why would he lie about himself? Billy decided to clarify the situation.

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