Leaving their shared room Tristan shook his head and body to get the tension out of his body as he began heading down the hall towards the communal area and dining facility. Passing Ulrichs room once again this morning he wondered if she was awake. Given the fact that he used to find the battleship in odd places reading or writing things down in either her phone or a notebook at the oddest times, did make him believe that Ulrich was more so finding her time to relax not in this form or pretended sleep and dreams but rather in reading or deep thought. Smiling at himself he thought it to be fitting that an eccentric like her and her namesake would rather find comfort in thought than sleep. Passing her room he headed up the stairs all the way up out of the belly of the ship's hull into its superstructure high enough that the portholes changed and became bigger and started to look like windows. Getting out of the staircase he entered the dining hall to the great smell of coffee, eggs, fresh bread and the smell of other foods. Inside sat a lot more of the ship's crew than he had seen last night. Most of them were getting their breakfast in while some others seemed to be reading or writing while some Leytenants doing some paperwork while sitting around their set of coffee cups and tea mugs. "Privet moy drug. Priyatno videt' Vas snova!" Yelled out an all too familiar voice that at this point made Tristan cheer and fear the moment as he saw the tall figure of Gangut jump up out of one of the rows of benches along the tables and come towards him. "How are you, comrade? I hope the others have not tried to drown you in our hospitality." She asked him while showing off her wide and friendly grin and her sharp teeth before embracing the Iron Blood only to let go of him a moment later. "I don't think this is the right place for a proper greeting." She smiled in amusement as she saw the awkward smile of the man she held at his shoulders. "Rad tebya videt' Gangut." Tristan greeted her back in her mother language. "You are clearly doing good." He added. "And thank you for your... restraint." The Iron Blood smiled as he realized what the Dreadnought had in mind and her courtesy not to do so here. "When did you arrive here?" He asked the old battleship as she let go of him and gestured to come sit down with her. "Some hours ago? Around 4 in the morning local time." She informed him. "Had to wait quite a while before the kitchen opened to get some breakfast. One of the Stewards told me that my comrades and some foreigners had a long time and plenty to drink just until a couple of hours before I arrived and they kept the kitchen occupied." She laughed. "You look worn but not worn out from your celebrations." Gangut chuckled. "But I take it you also want to get some good breakfast in right now." She added while grabbing her plate from her spot at the table she had been at. "I will join you for a 4th serving." She announced as they both walked back to the kitchen's serving area. "That sounds like a good idea indeed." Tristan agreed as he grabbed a clean plate from one of the serving holders next to some cutlery and a coffee cup. "I take it your mission has been successful?" He asked her. "It was, we checked on some friends and I finished up escorting Kronshtadt to her meeting point with others from our northern fleet to go on her special mission." Gangut explained "But I can't tell you what it is about of course." She denied Tristan even the opportunity to ask. The latter nodded as he took in the information the battleship scared while he got himself some fresh rye bread and scrambled eggs while waiting for his cup to be filled with a load of coffee. "It sounds all good together. How is your rigging? Did the increase in capability hold up or are you having any issues with the refits?" He asked her as he was concerned with her well being given the changes to her rigging. "It is very dear of you to be curious about my comfort and capability. But I am still enjoying higher speed, maneuverability and endurance thanks to your and Andreys efforts. Not to mention my great improvements in downing those pesky Siren aircraft and being able to blast them from the surface of the seas far more accurately once more. And as long as Andrey keeps up his good maintenance of my rigging I doubt that will change any time soon." She added with a laugh. "But I am sure you are asking out of professional concern rather than personal one." Gangut asked in return as they both got settled in at their table. "Not at all. I was concerned about your wellbeing." Tristan stated before taking a sip from the hot coffee, almost burning his tongue.
Apparently today he was on a good streak for his words managed to make another quite self assured ship speechless for a moment. Compared to Eugen, Gangut could not hide her surprise or delight as well as the cruiser could. "You sure are something else, comrade." The battleship cheerfully complimented him before she began eating her next plate full of breakfast. "Enjoy your breakfast." She added after swallowing her first mouth full.

As Tristan and Gangut ate their breakfast they both looked up at the new person joining them in the little space in between Tristan and the Northern Parliament sailor next to him. Sitting tightly packed shoulder on shoulder next to her friend she smiled at him her typical playful smirk before greeting Gangut. "Its good to see you again... comrade." She greeted Gangut and neither Tristan or Gangut missed the teasing undertone in her words. "How was your mission?" Eugen asked the dreadnought. Smiling her sharp toothed smile Tristan could see that Gangut was already up for the challenge to butt heads with the cruiser once again. "Nothing I couldn't handle easily. Although you may have struggled, given your fair complexion and slender built. The Ice would have done a number on you." Gangut answered with a chuckle. "Ít seems you lot did enjoy plenty of our hospitality. I hope you will have recovered for a proper sitting together tonight." She added as her chuckle turned into a amused laugh, as she demonstrated how much she was looking forward to having a good get together with her comrades and the Iron Bloods.

"We will see about that." Eugen answered her. "After all, we are probably arrive at our rendezvous point in a day. If time permits I would be happy to break a crate of Vodka." She smiled. "If you are up to the challenge." She added and called Gangut out. "HA! You can bet your smug smile on the fact that I will drink you under the table!" The battleship stated proudly and challenged the Iron Blood cruiser back. "Tonight will certainly be a great event then." Tristan interjected. "But can we save us the confrontation and boasting until then?" He offered and hoped to make peace between his two friends. "Indeed. There is plenty to do today before we can indulge in some friendly competition." Gangut agreed with a wink. "Speaking of it, comrade, I could use your assistance. No one thought about the matter of sending an engineer or Bulin with us and I would not want to let my rigging rest and rust for a longer time without having it checked properly. Your skills would be appreciated in that endeavor." Gangut asked for Tristan's help in an overly polite and grandiose manner. "That is a good idea indeed. We should check on our riggings." Eugen agreed and announced that she would do the same. "I won't be able to provide as much assistance as I used to." Tristan admitted as he glanced at his arm. "But I am happy to help out where I can." The former engineer smiled as he demonstratively waved his injured arm and letting his stiff fingers play, displaying that they were not completely useless. "And I am sure this time our time spent together won't end in an argument. After all, we are all friends or at least respectable partners here, right?" He asked both of them and indirectly made clear that he was not willing to put up with either of their antics towards the other.

The last adventures with Prinz Eugen.  Volume 3.Where stories live. Discover now