Over The Years

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"Hello?" A dark skinned man with dark glasses on assuming to be Mr. Mertle asks as Scott knocks on his door while holding the dog in his other hand.

"This is bad. This is very bad." Squints says as the others stay back while Benny stands with Scott.

"Um we... we... we brought your dog home." Scott says nervously.

"Hercules? How'd he get out?" Mr. Mertle asks.

"I'm telling you guys we should've just turned it loose." Squints says.

"Um uh well uh... We uh... What happened was we hit a baseball into your yard. We tried to get it back." Benny says nervously.

"So you're the ones that've been making all that racket." Mr. Mertle says.

"Yes sir." Scott says.

"You get it?" Mr. Mertle asks as he opens the door and extends his hand for Scott to put the ball in his hand.

"Um y-yeah." Scott says as he gives Mr. Mertle the ball.

"Well first time that anybody ever got the best of old Hercules. Why didn't you just on the door? I'd have gotten it for you." Mr. Mertle says.

"Squints!" Alexis shouts as everyone begins hitting Squints.

"We got the ball back didn't we?" Squints asks as he puts his arms up in defense.

"We almost got killed!" Kenny shouts as he and some of the others continue to hit Squints.

"Thanks for bringing him home. Come on in. We'll talk about this baseball. Come on." Mr. Mertle says as Benny and Scott follow him inside his house with the dog.


Later that evening after everyone else went home Alexis then walking with Benny around a park.

"So he just let you guys off as long as you agreed to talk baseball with him once a week? Talk about luck." Alexis says as Benny nods.

"Yeah." Benny says.

"Well I'm glad you're alright. You really had me worried." Alexis says as Benny looks at her.

"You were worried about me?" Benny asks.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Alexis asks as she smiles.

"Well I'm glad to hear it. Anyways I got something to tell you or well more like show you." Benny says as Alexis gives a confused look.

"Show me? Are you feeling okay Benny?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Never better. Mostly just wanna do this before I chicken out." Benny says as Alexis gives him a weird look.

"You? Chicken out? Never heard that before." Alexis says as she chuckles slightly.

"Haha. Very funny. Now close your eyes for a sec." Benny says as Alexis looks at him.

"Alright." Alexis says as she then closes her eyes and immediately opens them upon feeling something on her lips and sees Benny kissing her.

"You.. you kissed me." Alexis says in shock as Benny pulls away.

"Sorry. I couldn't help it. I won't do it again if it bothered you." Benny says sounding hurt by Alexis's response.

"I didn't say it bothered me. Just took me by surprise. I didn't think you felt that way about me. I mean everyone else but you and Scott has flirted with me at some point." Alexis says.

"Yeah well I didn't like them flirting with you either. I just didn't say anything because I wasn't really sure how. But I do know this. I don't wanna lose you for any reason. You're not just my best friend. I honestly care more about you than I do baseball." Benny says as Alexis smiles.

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