Lost Ball

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A couple days later as the group is playing in the sandlot the game is soon stopped as Benny literally hits the guts out of a baseball.

"Oh man. I don't believe it." Bertram says as everyone is standing around the skin of the baseball.

"Come on. Maybe two or three guys in history... ever busted the guts out of a ball. Must be an omen." Squints says.

"All's it means is that we can't play no more. It's only noon and I just ruined the whole day for us." Benny says.

"No you didn't. That's the most amazing thing I ever saw." Kenny says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"Benny you just did something that no one else here can say they did. You didn't ruin anything." Alexis says.

"Yeah." Bertram says.

"Anybody got any money?" Benny asks as everyone looks at him.

"No." Everyone says in union.

"Then it ain't okay because now we can't play no more." Benny says.

"Yeah we can." Scott says.

"What? You got 98 extra cents lying around Smalls?" Benny asks as he looks at Scott.

"No but I got a ball." Scott says.

"Go get it!" Everyone shouts.


"Here Benny. I got it." Scott says as he runs over and hands Benny the ball.

"Your ball. Your ups." Benny says as he hands Scott the bat before everyone takes their positions and begins playing. Not long after Scott then hits the ball and stays put.

"Run Smalls!" Alexis shouts as Scott begins running.

"Way to go school meat! I taught him everything." Ham shouts.

"Oh man that was great." Benny says as he comes over to Alexis after the ball goes over the fence.

"No kidding. That went clear over." Alexis says as everyone notices Scott walking towards the fence.

"Hey uh Smalls third base is that way. Hey Smalls. Smalls." Bertram says as he and the other kids try to get Scott's attention.

"Yeah! Nice hit Smalls." Benny says as Scott just stays put while Alexis and Benny go over to the others.

"What the hell's he doing?" Alexis asks as Scott is just staring at the fence.

"Maybe the shock of his first homer was just too much for him." Bertram says as every continues to try and get Scott's attention before going over to Scott.

"We got to get that ball back." Scott says as some of the group laughs.

"Oh yeah right." Yeah-Yeah says.

"Good one Smalls." Timmy says.

"Yeah good one Smalls." Tommy says.

"Hey forget about it man. Let's get another ball tomorrow." Benny says as the group begins to walk off.

"No you don't understand!" Scott says as he follows after the others.

"Sure we do. You feel bad because you belted a homer. Now we can't play no more." Benny says.

"No you don't understand! That wasn't my ball!" Scott says as everyone looks at him in confusion.

"What do you mean that wasn't your ball?" Alexis asks.

"It was my stepdad's. I stole it from his trophy room. It was a present or something. Somebody gave it to him. We gotta get it back. He's gonna kill me!" Scott says panickedly.

"Listen to me Smalls. It's a matter of life and death. Where did your old man get that ball?" Squints asks as he goes over to Scott.

"What? I don't know. Some lady gave it to him." Scott says.

"What? Some lady?" Benny asks.

"Yeah. She even her name on it. Some lady named... Ruth.. Baby Ruth." Scott says.

"Babe Ruth!?" The group asks in union before running over to the fence and seeing the Beast grab the ball before running back over to Scott.

"The Beast got it." Kenny says.

"You're dead as a doornail Smalls." Timmy says.

"You're dead as a doornail." Tommy says.

"Smalls you mean to tell me that you went home and swiped a ball... that was signed by Babe Ruth and you brought it here and actually played with it?" Timmy says.

"Actually played with it?" Tommy asks.

"Yeah but I was gonna bring it back." Scott says.

"But it was signed by Babe Ruth!" squints says.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." Yeah-Yeah says.

"You keep telling me that. Who is she?" Scott asks as everyone looks at him.

"What?" Alexis asks.

"The Sultan of Swat." Bertram says.

"The King of Crash." Kenny says.

"The Colossus of Clout." Timmy says.

"The Colossus of Clout." Tommy says.

"Babe Ruth!" Everyone shouts in union.

"The Great Bambino." Ham says.

"Oh my gosh! You mean that's the same guy?" Scott asks as he has a look of realization.

"Yes!" Everyone shouts in union.

"Smalls, Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player that ever lived. People say he was less than a god but more than a man. You know like Hercules or something. That ball you just aced to The Beast is worth well more than your whole life Smalls." Benny says.

"I don't feel so good." Scott says as he drops to his knees.

"Fan him." Alexis says as everyone takes off their hats and begins to fan Scott.

"We have to get that ball back." Scott says pleadingly as he stands up.

"When does your old man get home from work?" Benny asks.

"He's gone on business. Out of town. But he could be back anytime." Scott says.

"All right. Find out when. And guys spread out and look for bottles and cash 'em in. We need 98 cents. We gotta buy us a ball." Benny says as everyone runs off and splits up.


"Come on. Open it up! Hurry up, hurry up!" Yeah-Yeah shouts as the group comes out of the store with a ball.

"Give me the ball. Give me something to write with." Benny says as he holds the ball.

"Here. I got a pen." Alexis says as she hands Benny a pen.

"Babe... Baby Ruthie?" The group asks as they watch Benny write.

"I don't know Benny man." Bertram says.

"Yeah boy that crappy." Yeah-Yeah says.

"It doesn't matter what it looks like. His mom's never gonna know the difference. This'll just buy us some time you dorks. Okay come on." Benny says as the group runs off.

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