Akane wa Tsumare Somerareru

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The life of Y/n took a drastic turn after he learned about his girlfriend, Akane Nanao was cheating on him and having sex with all his teammates and the coach of the baseball team. Once he found out, he resigned from the team after that. It traumatized him for a week as he hated the baseball team. After graduation, he left town to enter a university once he was in, his life began to get better.

As for Akane, her sex-filled life began to crumble around her. One of the women that the coach had gone after filed a lawsuit against which she ended up winning. The coach was sent to prison and fined to pay $200,000. Since Akane was added to his family, she was forced to pay a fraction of the money. Every night, Akane would dream of Y/n. She would watch as he got farther away from her as she reached out for him. Akane wanted to meet Y/n again even if he hated her, she still wished to apologize.

~ 3 Years Later~

Y/n, who was now the CEO of his own business in the city was walking out of a doughnut shop with 3 boxes to plan a party for his employees. As he was walking, he saw many people avoiding a dirty homeless person as they held out a cup asking for money. Y/n took out some money and placed it in the cup before taking one of the doughnuts and handing it to them.

Y/n: There you go.

???: That voice...Y/n?

The homeless person looked up for Y/n to see a dirty-faced Akane.

Y/n: Akane? What are you doing here?

Akane: I...I've messed up.

Y/n: I knew that already. I mean what are you doing here on the streets?

Akane: Another woman the coach went after had filed a lawsuit against him. He was sent to prison and fined 200,000 dollars. Since he added me to his family, I'm forced to pay as well.

Y/n: I'm not surprised. It was high time he had something coming to him. Where are you living?

Akane: An alleyway...

Y/n: I see.

Akane: Y/n...I know I can't make it up to you and I know you won't forgive me, but I'm sorry. Sorry for everything that happened.

Tears began falling from Akane's eyes as Y/n watched. He knew he couldn't forgive her but he couldn't just leave her out here since she would have done the same if the situation was reversed.

Y/n: I'm going to regret this. My home is not far from here. You can take a shower, get cleaned up, and stay until you are back on your feet...

Akane: R-Really?

Y/n: Only until your back on your feet then you'll be on your own...Eh?!

Akane jumped up before hugging Y/n tightly while people stared at them.

Akane: Thank you...Thank you so much.

Y/n: Alright. Enough with the hugging, It's pretty weird. We need to stop by my job and drop off these doughnuts.

Akane: Right.


After dropping off the doughnuts, Y/n took Akane to his home as he unlocked the door and let her in.

Akane: Wow...You've got a really nice place.

Y/n: It was hard to fight the other person who wanted it. The bathroom is down the hall. I'll set some clothes for you and start preparing dinner.

Akane: Thank you again, Y/n.

Y/n: Considered it a second chance. I'm gonna go get dinner started.

Y/n walks off to the kitchen as Akane stands there for a moment until going to take a shower.

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