Chapter Twenty Six - Halloween

Start from the beginning

"Hi. Happy Halloween, and all that," she rudely replied as she swooped in beside me. Max wore a Red Riding Hood outfit, basket and all.

"Max, what are you doing here?"

"You invited me, Avery."

"Yeah, but that was before you proved that you couldn't be civil around me. Remember?" I pointed out. Surely she didn't think that freaking out at me in public and demanding that I tell her my personal problems was civil?

"Yeah, sorry about the other day," she apologized in the most not-sorry tone I've ever heard. "But you did invite me, and here I am. Candy?" she offered and held out her basket which was full of assorted treats. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head. What else can you do with her?

"Everyone's over there. You can help yourself to the punch."

Max trotted off toward the party and I made my way to my room. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to call Jack and Celadine and see what was taking so long. The phone rang and rang with no answer. I was hoping that they were on their way. As I hung up, someone entered my room.

"Hello, Avery," greeted a musical voice.

I glanced up to find Moya standing in my doorway.

"Hi, Moya, glad you could make it." She had glamoured herself to look like a human girl dressed as a naughty nurse. But, even disguised, you could still tell that there was something magnificent about her. Moya's usually pink hair was now a vibrant strawberry blonde, tucked into neat curls around her nurse hat. When she moved, I could almost see the candy pink showing through.

"Yes, thank you for inviting me. It is exciting to experience human gatherings, I find them very interesting." My ex-mermaid friend smiled and came to sit next to me on the bed. "Your costume looks wonderful, sweetheart, but I think it needs a little something."

Moya stood up and walked over to my dresser where there were some flowers that Lattie had brought home. She plucked a handful of petals and came to stand in front me.

"May I?"

"Um, sure, I guess." I had no idea what she was going to do, but I trusted Moya.

Lightly, she blew the petals toward my face and I closed my eyes. I could feel the soft brush of each silky petal as they slightly touched my cheeks and wove into my hair.

"There. Take a look and see if you like it."

I jumped up off of the bed and ran over to my mirror. Moya had made the pretty pink petals weave themselves into my hair, creating a beautiful mess of little flowers and vines and leaving my red curls draping down my back. Now I really looked like a fairy.

"I love magic," I whispered to myself but loud enough for her to hear.

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