Chapter Twenty One - Iron Worlder

Start from the beginning

"Please," Julie pleaded. "I've never been to anything like this."

I sighed. Julie had grown up all alone, with no others of her kind to be with or learn from. Meeting them would mean a lot to her. I wanted to go and share that moment with her, but, on the other hand, I valued my life. "Well, as long as you promise to keep me away from the lake, then I'll go. But please make sure I don't get stuck in a tree with nymphs stuffing things down my pants."

A little while later we found ourselves wandering through the woods in the park. I was smart this time and brought a flashlight. It took a little longer to find the party than before. Jules and Lattie were ahead of me but after a while I had to plop down on a rock to take a break.

"Sorry guys, I need a breather for a sec." I sat there, thinking how ridiculous this was, trampling through the stupid trees again, searching for a party where I could very well end up doing something idiotic again. Suddenly, I heard a rustling in the branches above me. I pointed the flashlight up to see what creature was there when a little sprite dangled down to my face from a vine.

"Hi!" it greeted, "My name's Violet, what's yours?" She was adorable, just like Lattie. Her shimmery skin was a pretty shade of purple and her spiked hair blazed red.

"Hi, Violet, my name is Avery Quinn, pleased to meet you."

"Oh! You're my Lattie's Avery!" she cried enthusiastically and let go of her vine to crawl onto my knee. "I've heard many wonderful stories about you."

"Oh, you know Lattie?" I asked.

"Of course I do, Lattie is my sister! Did she come with you tonight? Are you here for the party? Do you like to dance?" Violet was way more hyper and scatter brained than her sister. "We are celebrating in hope of our Queen's return. Do you want to celebrate with us?" Her oversized black eyes blinked at me, pleading and waiting for me to answer.

"Oh, you're a summer fairy?" I asked. Lattie had never told me that she was a summer fey. All I knew was that she belonged to the Seelie court once upon a time.

"Oh yes, it is the best court to live in. The flowers, the fruit and wine, the sunshine, how can anyone ever choose to be part of the winter court? So awful, cold and colorless," she explained. I wondered if there were courts for all of the seasons. I had never asked. Just then, my friends ran back.

"Lattie, you never told me you had a sister," I said.

Lattie stopped in her tracks when she spotted Violet. "Well, I..." Lattie began but was interrupted by her energetic sibling.

"Come, let's dance!" suggested Violet to all of us. And, right before my eyes, the forest around me changed. It was as if a veil had fallen down around us, revealing colors, music and sweet scents that were secretly always there but hidden from us.

The guests were completely different than before. There were no scary ogres or creepy little nymphs hanging from trees. All of the fey were beautiful, happy and colorful. The Maidens were there, too. I'm guessing that they were either part of the Summer Court or they were just like VIP's or something. The one with cotton candy colored hair waved me over to come and dance.

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