Chapter Eighteen - Unveiling

Depuis le début

"Are you excited?" she asked me.

"Yes, and nervous, I don't quite know what my role is. I know that Celadine will be hosting and doing most of the talking, so what do I do? Am I at work tonight or am I a guest? I'm freaking' out here!" Suddenly I was re-thinking my outfit after realizing how amazing Julie looked. I'd decided on a pair of white skinny jeans, a black sequined top and black pumps. Maybe I had time to go back and change?

"Hey, don't worry Ave," she assured me. "You look amazing and you are amazing. We're going to go in there; I'll mosey around while you do your thing. Go find Celadine right away and see what she wants you to do, piece of cake." Julie was always so good at making me see clearly, even over the silliest things. She bent down and picked up a loose flower from the sidewalk. I eyed her curiously as she took my hand and kissed my wrist and then the flower too.

Suddenly, the flower began to twist and grow like a vine around my wrist. I stood there in astonishment as I stared at what was now a beautiful, woven bracelet that matched the one Tess had given me.

"Thank you," I said in awe. "You know, this magic best friend thing is pretty cool."

"Yeah, I know," Julie kidded.

As we approached the curb in front of the gallery, we both stopped and gawked in amazement. Enormous stone sculpture fountains sat on either side of the walkway, dividing the vast front lawn. Huge white spheres the size of beach balls hung from a clear line to give the impression that they were floating. The spheres were covered in feathers or something, and each one had a white light inside illuminating the way that led up to the grand entrance. A couple of the musicians that I had booked were off to the side playing a harp and piano to classical music.

"Wow," said Julie. "I feel like I'm in a dream or heaven or something."

"Yeah, totally," I agreed, looking around with my jaw wide open. "Celadine really out did herself."

When we entered the gallery there was so much more to be seen. Celadine had used the black silk fabric that I'd bought to drape the walls and create a background for each art piece. About a dozen round tables were covered in white linens and loaded with exotic fruits and other fancy foods I didn't know. Some more of the feathery spheres dangled from the cathedral ceilings at different lengths and the other musicians played in the corner. I felt as if I were at a fancy ball or something. Everyone was dressed for the part. Suits and ties and evening gowns surrounded us as I searched for Celadine.

"Hey, I'm going to head over to the fruit table," Julie whispered. "You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I think I see her over there. I'll come find you after."

I made my way over to the main exhibit where Celadine stood talking to a few very rich looking people. She wore a thin, silky white dress that flowed down her body like water and pooled on the floor. It contrasted with her long black dread locks beautifully. As I approached, she looked me in the eyes, waiting for my reaction. I just smiled the biggest, goofiest smile that I could and gave her thumbs up. She laughed and waved for me to come over, and as I did, I passed by a group of people from my class.

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