Chapter 15 - Don't Play

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Parkers P.O.V.

What in the mother fucker just happened, one minute she is kissing all up on me the next she just walks out of the car. I didn't even know I was driving.

I turn around and head back to my house where I see a pissed Jess waiting out side for me. It was so hard to stop her from doing something to Jo that would hurt her for good.

"What the fuck Parker." Was all she said to me.

"I needed to talk to her." I said back.

"And you clearly wanted to fuck her too. Look you have a fucken boner that's it I'm going to have talk with her." Jess looks over at me and hops in whatever car she has and drives down the street.

What is she thinking Jo can completely fuck her up. She is small and little, we all know she can't fight so what is she going to do? Talk her to death.

I jump in my car and again drive down to the club house where I see Jess standing in front of Jo with a gun. Jo looks at the girl and laughs at her, that's what you get Jess.

"Jess get in the fucken car we are leaving." I said to her.

"Nah she needs to know what she did to you want she made you. How you could have died if I never found you that night in the bar." Jess said while waving the gun around.

"You need to stop with the whole you saved him and shit jess. He is a big boy I'm sure my man would have been fine."Jo said like it was nothing.

"You fucken left him and told him to leave he was coming back to tell you that and then you say that he will be yours when you get out. What would have happened if he fell in love with some else huh." Jess said trying to make herself sound more big.

"He won't fall for anyone else I know what I said and did would fuck someone up but being on your own with No around. That leaves a lot of time to think and too see what I have done to him. I always thought of him when I woke up and when I went to sleep. I wanted him to move on because I thought I could if he could. I didn't know with the small time we were together for that I would fall for him as hard as I did." I looked at Jo unable to speak. Unable to know what to say or if I could say anything at all.

Because of who we are and what we do my life is a shit storm within a shit storm. All I do is drink and fight, it happens over and over again I have no idea what to do anymore.

"Your Jo fucken Pace of course you would play with me."

Jo's P.O.V.

I didn't know with what he said would hurt me the way it did. I was telling the truth I can't let him move on that might make me selfish. I know he needs me as much as I need him I have been joking to myself by saying she should move on.

What the hell was I thinking when said that to him. To be honest I don't even know anymore, so much of me has changed once my Dad and Mum died it was like the world opened up my eyes and showed me to really grab life by the balls.

Knowing that maybe Jess has won him over is not something I want to think about all the time. I walk up to my room with a bottel of Jim Bean in my left hand and a 50 of weed in another.

I don't need to think right now and like hell I am going to to cry over him and shit. I take a swing then rolled a joint, next thing I know I'm passed out and went off to dream land.

Kayla's P.O.V.

Another hit from the Killers they just won't leave us alone. Luckily it was in the west but they are slowly moving across and I don't think Jo is going to be very happy about this.

I walk into her room and see her riding Ethan both her and Parker are as bad as each other. She looks over at me, she gets off my him and changes into her normal skinnys and polos.

"Fucken hell Jo, another place has been shot at we need to take these guys down now." I said to her hoping she would say something.

"Call Missy we get more men and weapons, tommrow at 12 we hit their pub hard a fast. Like a husbane cheating on his wife." Jo said as she got out a smoke.

"Send the kids to Sky's down there. Tell them that is is an adventure for big kids and that they can met other people." Jo said she walks away.

I walk over to my twins and grab their hands and the same with Jacks.

"Kids pack some clothes." I said to my babbies.

"What's going in?" Jack asked me.

"We are going to the Killers pub tomorrow at 12 so the kids are going to go to Skys." I said then got my Gun and knives all together I know we are doing this tomorrow but I need to be ready for these asshats

She's inside. {slow updates}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα