. 14 hungarian hangovers

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Would've, Could've, Should've
Taylor Swift

Meadow doesn't know how to feel. 

She feels everything and nothing all at once. One minute her whole body is filled with rage, the next she's left completely drained. But the one feeling that clouds her brain, is confusion. She doesn't understand what happened. At all.

It's been three days since the kiss. She has no idea how the race went, or how she finished her work, or even how she got home. Nobody knew what was going on with her, she didn't tell anyone. Her phone has been ringing for days. First it was just Ruby and Olive. Then came Max. She would rather die than explain to him what happened.

The similarities hadn't passed on her. Just three weeks before, she found herself in Max' driver's room and he kissed her. And then last weekend, Lando kissed her in his room. Why did everyone suddenly feel the need to kiss her, without checking it with her first?

But the one thing that confuses her the most, is why she pushed Max away instantly, but kissed Lando back. It has to be due to his manipulation. It can't be anything else. Right?

The loud noise of her ringtone breaks through the silence in her livingroom. Covering her ears, she turns the call down, not even bothering to look at the caller. She thought she turned her phone off, but apparently it's still on.

1 Missed call - Daniel Ricciardo

Daniel? That's a new name to add to the list. 

It doesn't spark her interest, however, so the thought passes and her attention is back on her wine. Yesterday, she ditched glasses completely, and now she's resorted to drinking straight from the bottle. 

Another glance at her phone learns her that it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon. She wouldn't have known. Since she got home, Meadow hasn't left her couch. She's not even gotten up to eat anything. Just once or twice, to get a new bottle of wine or to go to the bathroom.

Her phone chimes again, "Meads, you really need to tell us what's going on. You didn't come into work today." It's Ruby, asking her in their groupchat. To be fair, she forgot all about work.

To get rid of the issue, she types up a quick email to Christian. Twisting the situation a little, she tells him she's stuck in bed with a virus. A shy ten minutes later, a reply comes in. He wishes her well and hopes she'll be back soon.

The ringing resumes, it's Daniel again. A sigh escapes  fromher lips, it's no use trying to avoid him. When Daniel wants something, he will get it. With a little grunt, she picks up.

"Finally. Meadow, why are you not returning anyone's calls? We're worried."

"Nothing Daniel."

She can hear him sighing on the other side of the line. "It's not nothing if you're not even speaking to Olive and Ruby. Or Max."

"I just caught a little bug, nothing to worry about."

Unfortunately, he catches on to her lie immediately. "Meads, you can't fool me. Please tell me it doesn't have something to do with my teammate?"

She mentally curses herself for being so vocal about her hatred for Lando recently. Maybe he thinks they had another fight or something? For a brief moment, she considers making something up and pretend that they indeed had another fight. She doesn't want to have to tell anyone about the kiss, not even Daniel.

"Danny, it's nothing for you to worry about, I promise you."

"AHA! So your hiding does have to do with Lando."

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