. 13 french kisses

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Ready to run
One Direction

After the race, she heads straight back to the hotel, not in the mood for any celebrations. With her head down, she gets out of her cab, trying not to attract any attention in her Red Bull team kit. She's already halfway through the lobby, when her head meets with a hard chest.

Quickly, she apologizes, looking up in guilt. The words stuck in her mouth, when cold blue eyes meet hers. Not a single emotion is visible in them, except for anger. Realizing it's directed at her, rises a shiver out of her.

"Watch where you're going, Walters" Lando sneers, before walking around her, towards the exit.

It takes her a second for to gather her thoughts, but then she turns around.

"Who says you didn't run into me!"

The Brit jerks his head around, eyebrows raised and fire sparking in his eyes. "Excuse me?", he spits.

The corners of her mouth turn slightly upwards. Just the reaction she saw coming.

"I'm just saying, it's not fair to blame me," she smiles, "But I'm sorry. I won't disturb your night any further, mister the world revolves around me!"

No longer having the patience to endure the conversation, she storms away towards the elevators.

Her breath only leaves her mouth when the doors completely close, and it finally grants her some rest. Inside, she's fuming, her heartbeat is drumming rapidly under her skin.

For some weird fucking reason, this guy always knows how to get under her skin, literally.

She makes it back to her room without any other obstacles, but the one's in her mind stay present. It takes her hours to fall asleep, because they won't leave her alone.

Her mind keeps replaying her past few interactions with Lando. His motive for being so mean to her, she still doesn't get. Why does everyone else seem to love him? Everyone but Ruby and Olive, of course. But then again, he's also rude to them. It's wrecking her brain, and eventually the worries tire her out so much, that she finally falls asleep.

After a short night, haunted by dreams about specific men with brown curly hair, she gets up to join a part of the team on their flight to France.

She knows it's wrong, to fly such short distances, but the desire to get out of Austria as soon as possible is bigger. Thankfully, she isn't really close to anyone on the flight, so it keeps her from having to talk about everything that's on her mind right now.

Once they land, she dives straight into work, until Ruby and Olive arrive two days later.

"Meads! We missed you in Austria! Why did you leave before all the parties?" The girls embrace her when they meet in the hallway of their current hotel, near Paul Riccard.

"I don't know, I was tired and not really in the mood for partying. But I hope you guys had fun?"

Olive cheers, as she tells her all about the clubbing the two of them did after the race. Apparently, Ruby managed to make out with an F3 driver and it is all they can talk about.

"Oh, and we ran into Norris by the way. He was sulking all night, not that I paid any attention," Olive huffs, "But he said something weird about how he was relieved he didn't have to see your face all night."

"Yeah, true. The audacity, oh my god!" Ruby chimes in.

At this information, she just shakes her head. No matter how much her friends rile themselves up over what he said, she's officially given up caring about what he does. She gave him countless chances, and all he's ever done is turn them down.

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