Chap 11: Uncaged.

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My scream of hatred echoes all across the sky, as the three laughed. Their laughter disgusts me, if i could regenerate every single part of my body i would rip my ear off a billion times just to get their gross voices out of my head.

I hate them, I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM. I repeated inside of my mind, as i hit it with my fists whilst staggering around in dizziness from all the hatred and feelings bottled up inside of me. I wanted to scream, i wanted to run, i wanted to get away from everything.. all my pain, all my troubles. No matter what had happened to me, i wanted to get away and forget about all of it.. however, most importantly.. i wanted to KILL. Kill those who have harmed me, kill all of those who have became the fuel to my anger, every single one of them place a shovelful of coal into my furnace which i was burning in: My god damn life.

"What's the matter? Can't even stand now? Aww, we get it.. you lost your mind!" Kenton said in a mocking manner, interrupting my emotion rollercoaster as he approached me.

'GET AWAY. I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT! I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE, GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU SICKEN ME. WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD YET?! HOW DID YOU SURVIVE GETTING BEATEN BY ME AT THE YARD?!' I screamed in my head, i swear if i were only just a bit more mentally stable those words would pour down on him like the rain. Sadly, my mind was getting ahead of me.

I fell onto my back, breathing heavily. I glared down at my body, it was pale and i swear i could feel like my bones were gonna pop out from inside, my skin was gonna melt or at least i would be shaped into a sphere of meatballs, that's the best i could describe the feeling in my body with the use of words. At my darkest moments, when they arrived and they stomped on my pain, my loneliness and fed my despair i heard a voice.

I don't know whose voice that was, not like i could even remember. It sounded like multiple voices blended into one, Sore..? Possibly, but it wasn't his voice.

"Well, make them dead by yourself, for a second time." It said.

"I wonder if we even have to do this, he looks as if he's having a heart attack." Brad chuckled, looking over to get his brothers' opinion beforehand.

"Being a little careful is never too excessive, idiot." Shane approached, cracking his knuckles as he raised his fist high up and hammered it directly down on my head.

Just kill me.

Really? Someone as stubborn as me? Accepting death? Yeah, i didn't even believe myself at first. But as soon as i gave into my fate, leaving my body for them to ravage however they please. I was surprised with the blurry sight of my very own hands, grabbing onto Shane's hammerfist that was supposed to strike down on me to spell the end for my miserable life.

"What..?" I asked myself, i tried to take control over my body. But for some reason, i failed without even having to try this time.

"OI, HE'S ALIVE!" Shane said, pulling away from me as he rushes at me for a second attack immediately after his retreat. My body blocked the blow on it's own, only to be met with Shane's fists ramming onto my abdomen at the speed and force of a gatling gun. I spat out a whole puddle of blood onto his face, blinding Shane for a second as i unleashed a roar that had such a great force it blew him back to the rubble of the station.

I stood firmly, letting out a sigh. My body had taken control over my mind.. what happened? How is it doing that? I never got to figure anything out, due to the fact that after i blew Shane away, Brad had already approached me at a blinding speed before i even noticed his presence. He kicked me away as if i was nothing other than a football. I grabbed onto a building's wall with unimaginable strength and hopped back to Brad, hammerfisting him from above the same way Shane was about to hammerfist me just a minute ago.

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