Chap 7: All Or Nothing.

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"Why do we have to gather here just to demonize this one guy?" A red cloak asked.

"Dunno, master Sore said he was something different! Hah, whatever. Let's get this over with, the name's Cola by the way.. would be rude to suck your soul out without introducing!" The man in the middle -the only guy that doesn't wear his hood- said, before the ones behind hold me tightly from behind.

"Hey, HEY, HEY HEY! LET GO OF ME!" I screamed, struggling for my life. I was in a deep panic, i didn't know what to do. I was just glad to escape my parents to begin a new life just a couple minutes ago, now i-

Before i could think of anything, or feel any remorse. Cola took out a double-edged sword from beneath his long cloak pointing it right at my chest, i screamed in fear as my body shook violently, i struggled to escape but the more i try the more of them come in and hold me still.

"NO! LET GO OF ME, LET-" Without hesitation, Cola stabbed through my body with the sword then pulled it out of my chest violently, it was quick and painful. So painful to the point of numbness, i couldn't feel a single thing except my body losing balance and falling to the ground.

"We're done here?" Cola said as they stood, waiting for something.

My last living moments were spent not doing what i want, not living in freedom or having nice people around me, not being able to feel like i am at peace. But instead, they were spent being brutally murdered by a bunch of unknown people in red trench coats. Am i dead? No, this can't be.

I grunted, then somehow slowly started trying to get off from the ground. I did not know how i found the drive to do so, my arms and body moved by themselves despite the immense pain inside my chest.

Suddenly, the pain lessened to the point i felt nothing anymore. As i run my finger through my body i noticed that.. the wound, the deep and fatal wound that was caused by the double edged sword is now completely gone only leaving a bloody mess all over my body from my chest down to my feet.

"It seems like he is back, welcome!" Cola said, coming closer to me while handing out a red cloak the same as theirs. I was furious, i felt every single cell of my body screaming in hatred. 'This must be because of Sore.' I thought so, even though that wouldn't matter right now because all i want to do now is beat the living hell out of these douchebags. I stood there for a moment while my body was still recovering from the shock of going through death, for a brief second i didn't believe i was alive.

"What? What's the matter? Take it, man." Cola said, shoving the coat at my shoulder.

"DIE!" I went berserk, grabbing Cola by his coat and threw a hefty punch at his abdomen with a great force, enough to go through a body of a normal being. However, these things aren't regular living beings.

"HAHAHA! WELL, I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT!" Cola grabbed my arm after receiving the heavy blow in his stomach.

"That really hurts, y'know?" He gave me a death glare with the typical grin both him and Sore has. Now come to think of it, he did mention Sore.

Cola swings his sword at me, i raised my forearm up and blocked it. For some reason, my arm didn't feel the pain it was supposed to. I turned my head to look, noticing that the blade barely dug through my skin and very little blood was running down from the  cut.

I was confident that my body has once more grown stronger from an emotional burst. I grabbed Cola's head and slammed it on my knees almost deforming his face before i launch another heavy blow on his stomach, sending Cola flying a few meters away.

I exhaled, feeling my blood pumping, i have grown stronger from before. I clenched my fist, noticing that i was giving off a bright red aura around my body, i didn't know what the hell was this power, but i was going to make the most of it.

"He's not like the rest of us!" Cola yelled, the red coaters looked at him in confusion. He got up, hand placed on his stomach in pain.

"His attack didn't damage my soul, it only took away part of my stamina. That idiot is.. strange." He looked at me, giving another "Sore" smirk. "No matter, KILL HIM!"

The red coaters charged up, each holding a weapon. There were plenty of them, and one of mine. I was tempted to shiver in fear, but that would not help me with anything. So i stood firmly as i wait for them to approach.

I roared as they came close, i blocked their attacks one by one and retaliated fiercely. I felt so many emotions all at once, they linked directly to the power i have and strengthened my body if my body isn't lying to me. I fought them until i bursted into tears, even after i received fatal blows in multiple spots. I refused to die, i refuse to let them stand in the way of my freedom, of the peaceful life that awaits me.

"GAAAAH!" After a while, i regained consciousness. I didn't black out during all those beating but i sure did lose my mind and could only remember some of what i did. I find them laying on the ground, blood gushing out from their heads and body, one even got his arm torn off.

I raised my head up, breathing heavily as i finally feel the annoying pain all over my body, my shirt was ripped all over and there were still cuts that haven't stopped leaking blood.

"Man, no wonder why master Sore made such a big deal out of you." Cola said, walking to me.

"Well, i'm a man who has nothing to lose. So bring it on, it's a bet for either a peaceful life or nothing." I said, chuckling as i gestured Cola to come at me.

"Alright, HERE I COME THEN!" Cola raised up sword.


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