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~ Aki's POV ~

Aki woke up shortly after dozing off with you, your small frame still curled up tightly against his lean body. His phone was buzzing non stop and after the fourth call, he couldn't keep ignoring it. He rolled over and carefully peeled himself away from you, pulling the blanket gently back over your body as he stood up and grabbed his phone off the bedside table after slipping his clothes back on. Makima's name was displayed over the screen and he quickly answered it.

"Hello?" He greeted her. "Sorry I missed your calls."

"No worries, Hayakawa." She said in her delicate voice. "Can you be at the station in twenty minutes? I have a new assignment for you and your division. It's urgent."

Aki pinched the bridge of his nose before queitly sighing as he glanced at your sleeping body in bed. He didn't want to leave, but he couldn't say no to his boss. "Yes, ma'am. I'm on my way." He responded quickly before hanging up. He found his clothes from the night before and quickly got dressed, planning on changing into his work attire once he got to his office.

He quietly tossed the clothes you leant him into your hamper before walking over to your bed, his fingertips gently brushing your hair out of your face as you stirred awake.

"Hey, y/n." He whispered, not wanting to startle you.

"Hmm?" You groaned as your eyes squinted at the light, the post-nap haze making your head spin.

"I got called into work, I have to go. I'll call you later." Aki said with his sleepy voice and y/n just nodded, unable to hide the frown on her plush lips.

He bent down and kissed her cheek before taking his leave, making sure to lock the apartment door before he was on his way to his car. Once he was in and the engine started he took a quick glance at his texts, deleting notifications and responding to people he didn't care to talk to when he saw a few missed texts from Himeno early this morning.

Himeno -

heyyyyyy you
can you come over?
we can finish what we started ;)

Aki stared at the messages for a moment before deleting them. He told y/n that there was nothing between him and Himeno, but that was a lie. Well, half of a lie. Y/n was right when she found the makeup in his garbage can. It was Himeno's from the week prior. She stayed the night and they hooked up, but they didn't sleep together. She was too drunk and he didn't want her the way he used to. It wasn't worth it for him to go through with her just for her to get attached and then he had met y/n the very next day.

He just fucked Himeno when he felt like it, it was like a friends with benefits situation. It had been going on and off for years. But he knew Himeno liked him more than that. She didn't care how desperate she seemed, either. When she wanted him she made sure he knew. He was going to have to figure out a way to cut it off without things getting messy.

Aki sighed as he pulled up to his division's building, parking his car and having a quick cigarette as he walked inside. He went to the locker room first, changing into his spare work clothes he always kept here and threw his dirty clothes into his locker. He made his way to his desk, collecting the files that Makima had left him and taking a glance at them when he heard someone walk up to his desk.

"Leaving me on read, huh?" Himeno's voice said playfully, causing Aki's eyes to glance down at her from his paperwork.

"I was busy, sorry." He said dryly, not entertaining her. "We need to talk." He added.

Himeno rolled her eyes, sighing as she sat on Aki's desk. "About what? Let me guess." She started.

"We can't keep doing this. I'm seeing someone." Aki said sternly, his eyes leaving hers to look at his paperwork again. He was being assigned to investigate a devil situation developing in a motel nearby. Arai, Denji, and Power were all assigned to the case with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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