Silent Awakening

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Cora sat at her workstation, her fingers deftly gliding over the sleek interface as she precisely adjusted the complex circuitry of an emotion suppressor. Dr. Leona, her stoic mentor, observed her closely, every so often nodding in approval.

This specific suppressor had been designated for a high-ranking government official, and any lapse in quality could lead to severe consequences for both Cora and Dr. Leona. However, Cora's reputation as one of The Regimen's most skilled engineers mitigated some of these concerns.

"I must say, Cora, your work is impeccable," Dr. Leona stated, adjusting her glasses. "I have no doubt that you will go far in your career with The Regimen."

"Thank you, Dr. Leona," Cora responded tersely, her voice even and completely devoid of emotion-as it always was, as it had always been.

Suddenly, a sharp pain radiated through Cora's temple, causing her hands to tremble involuntarily. Instinctively, she reached for her head, where a small, metallic implant-a suppressor identical to the one she was working on-resided just beneath her skin.

"Are you unwell?" Dr. Leona inquired, her expression briefly displaying concern, despite the suppressor's grip on her own emotions.

"I am uncertain," Cora replied, attempting to steady her hand and conceal her discomfort. "I may need a moment to rest."

Dr. Leona studied her carefully, quickly coming to a decision. "Take a few minutes, then return to your work. This must be completed today."

Cora nodded, silently grateful for the temporary reprieve, and retreated to a tranquil corner of the room. As she did, her hand lingered over the suppressor embedded in her temple. She marvelled at the petite device, an epitome of engineering brilliance, designed to maintain a world free from the upheaval and distress caused by unregulated emotion.

And yet, she couldn't help but ponder what was happening to her now. The capricious emotions she had only encountered in ancient literature seemed to claw their way to the surface. Emotions that she had never experienced or even fathomed.

Cora began to piece together what she believed was transpiring within her. She couldn't help but steal glances toward Eli, a fellow engineer with an enigmatic aura, who seemed to elicit an odd sensation within her-a feeling that manifested itself as an indescribable warmth with each interaction, and one that she could neither put into words nor deny any longer.

Having known Eli for some time, she wondered if the malfunction in her suppressor was responsible for this inexplicable sensation-a force that seemed to draw her closer to him, irresistibly.

Lost in thought, Cora nearly missed the soft padding of footsteps approaching from behind. She hastily composed herself, shaking off the disconcerting thoughts that filled her mind.

Cora was determined not to let this glitch interfere with her duties to The Regimen or, worse, expose her to scrutiny. Her loyalty to Dr. Leona, her colleagues, and the cause they all served was too important. For now, she would concentrate on her work and try to ignore the outpouring of unsuppressed emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.


Cora stood by the window in the Engineering Division's common area, her hands wrapped around a cup of tepid water. Her eyes were trained on the raindrops sliding down the glass, but her thoughts were consumed by her growing emotional turmoil.

She had devoted her life to logic, to perfect order, and her every action had been informed by reason alone. But now, as her malfunctioning suppressor continued to fail her, she felt as if she were lost in a stormy sea, tossed about by wild waves of emotion.

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