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The defenders were quiet on their way back to the dojo in Sumos. The night before was concerning, as Seth recalled Erik's words last night–

"The slayer we came across held Ogama energy– order, technology. The problem is, the ones we've fought are always Ethos."

He kept rewinding the notion in his head, but it didn't make sense. Mel voiced the same concern.

"Erik, why would anyone modify a sigil slayer? We don't even know anyone who could."

"What about Flinch? He cultivated them for the war–"

"-But under Malco's command, who is now dead. He has no incentive," Seth intervened. The others murmured, while Rion sat there silently.

Still, there was concern. Flinch was currently a prisoner within the province of Ogama-gor. The most militarized nation on RaDos. Worse, Flinch was known for his ability to worm his way out of an undesirable situation. Prison wouldn't be any different, save that Malco wouldn't be there to free him. A slayer's involvement didn't make much sense; but it wasn't out of the realm of possibility.

However, a visit to the Ogama-gor capital would have to wait. For now, they needed to get back to the dojo. They needed supplies, the tech needed maintenance, and he had to check on any messages left from the villages.

Seth was still peeved with Rion's little trick last night. Mel wasn't too happy either, but they all had a good laugh at Erik's girlish screams before everyone headed to bed. That morning, everyone was packed and ready to go before the sun rose.

He returned to the present, looking ahead at his friends, the rising sun highlighting their silhouettes. The mood lightened as the little blonde kept trying to mess with Erik. Mel was riding back, giving a light laugh at the ensuing chaos. It was peaceful, and Seth himself sped up and to join in on the teasing.


It wasn't long after that the group arrived back home. Ever since the defenders had stopped the Ethos, they were getting transmissions from all corners of RaDos. Most were more oddball jobs, but on occasion there was a notice of a rogue sigil slayer. These quests had kept the group busy till now.

Mel took her time to stretch as they landed their stormers. The last hunt took forever, and she wasn't ready to go on another until a good rest. Even if she wanted to answer each transmission immediately, Erik would stop them.

Erik had discussed with them beforehand a mandatory break between transmissions. Long enough for them to resupply and conduct major repairs on anything that needed it.

While the others went inside right away, Mel looked around for a moment. The flora which settled itself within the dojo's walls had grown quite a bit, and it'd need a good trim. It had snuck its way through the unattended cracks and destruction within the walls. It was a vibrant green here, starkly contrasting with everyone, though the vibrancy reminded her of Erik's new robes.

Ever since he'd found them, Erik never stopped wearing the turquoise carver robes over his usually orange attire. Not unlike Kara, whose favorite color was a similar green.

She sighed, pushing the thought back. The war which took place here left their home a mess. She'd have to talk with the boys later about fixing it up some time- if they ever had the chance. 


Seth was in the communications room sorting through the latest calls. There were hundreds, but sifting through revealed most were ceremonies or other celebration invites. The defenders hadn't gone to any, they wouldn't party until the slayers were finally eradicated. If something happened while they were out having fun, the defenders would be to blame.

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