Am I really that bad?

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If the shoe fits, would you walk that mile, and if you put it on the other foot, it's the same size.

Sunny walked to the bedroom and lay in bed next to Basil. He felt his face flush warm as he did. He tried to fall asleep quickly as Basil did so he wouldn't get too flustered to fall asleep.

Eventually, Sunny stopped thinking about Basil's pretty little hands and adorable face and instead began to drift into sleep.


Sunny walked inside his old school. He walked down the hall past the kindergarten and grade 1/2 classrooms. He then stopped. Something was off. Several lights ahead were flickering or completely turned off.

He began to glance into the classrooms he passed by. Empty, messy rooms. No people, just knocked over desks and chairs, and random supplies scattered over the floor. Up until the door to grade 4. A long desk blocked the door. His seat was used as a punishment. He was made to face the wall. The teacher seemed to hate him.

Sunny sighed, considering the bad memories. He then stopped. Yellow eyes appeared in the room. Sunny ran far ahead.

After looking behind him to see if anything was following, he stopped. Nothing following. To his left was the grade 7/8 classroom. Another unfortunate grade. The teacher wasn't bad, but with his entire friend group trying to goad him into dating Aubrey, it was quite a stressful time. Only Basil understood how he felt.

A strange snapping sound came from the library. Sunny walked towards the library and opened the door.

Sunny turned on the light in the library, and there was Mari, kneeling over something.


Mari turned around with blood all over her face and some chunk of something in her mouth. Mari turned back around. Another snapping sound.

Sunny tried to look around Mari. Basil. It was Basil. She was eating Basil. She was killing Basil.

Mari pulled on more of Basil's flesh with her teeth. Sunny ran up at Mari and kicked her in the face. She was knocked away by the momentum. Sunny dropped to his knees next to Basil.

"Basil. Basil! BASIL!! Please! PLEASE WAKE UP. Basil... please..." Sunny hugged Basil's upper body, avoiding the lower torso that had many bites taken out of it. "Please... please... I love you... please..."


"Sunny." Basil whispered. Then, at normal volume, he repeated himself, "Sunny.". Basil lightly shook Sunny until he finally woke up.

He had just been muttering in his sleep. Something about him. Basil blushed a bit. Sunny looked so cute when he was sleepy.

"Mmmuh?" Sunny groaned as he woke up.

Basil smiled and tried to keep his tone as happy as possible. He didn't want Sunny to feel bad. After all, he was asleep. He didn't know he was grabbing his arm that tightly.

"You were holding my arm tight, but I have to get up." Basil smiled at Sunny after speaking. Sunny's face went red with embarrassment. He was blushing so profusely, poor Sunny must've felt really bad.

"It's okay, I'm not hurt or anything. You were also talking in your sleep a bit there. What was your dream about?" Basil smiled warmly.

"Oh... uh... it was... about... baseball." Sunny awkwardly proposed. Dreams were hard to remember, after all.

"Are you sure? You said my name, and I never really could play much baseball." Basil giggled. For some reason, Sunny was still blushing and extreme tint of pink-red. Basil shrugged it off.

"Well... um..." Sunny trailed off, clearly forgetting. Basil could fill in the blanks, though.

"Oh! Was I on the sidelines? I could've been cheering you on!" Basil suggested.

"Y-yeah, that's it! Thanks, Basil, I almost- uhh... forgot!" Sunny's face began to settle back to its usual non-flustered colouring.

Basil laughed, and stood up from the bed. "Well, I can always cheer you on in real life, too! I'll be your cheerleader!"

Sunny blushed again, "Well, you don't have the costume..." he mumbled something after that, but Basil couldn't hear it.

"Pfft, I don't need a costume to be your cheerleader! Unless you want me to, hehe." Basil nudged Sunny. Sunny's face went deep red. Whoops.

"I'm just joking. Sorry, was that too far?" Basil felt sorry. He had a bit of a crush on Sunny, so making him happy was his top priority.

Sunny shook his head, "It's alright, Basil. Sorry." Basil considered what he said. Sunny must've started thinking about one of the cheerleader girls from school. He must have a crush on one of them. Basil felt bad for reminding Sunny of whoever his likely crush among them was.

He also felt a little jealous. They started accepting males into cheerleading last year, so maybe Basil could become one to try and figure out which cheerleader Sunny had "the hots" for.

Basil decided against it. He wasn't the best at acrobatics, and he'd be too self-conscious in a skirt. At least, in front of other people. If it was just Sunny, or... Basil decided he should stop thinking about that. His face went pink just thinking about that.

Basil and Sunny walked out of their room and into the hall. Mari was walking out of the hall, too. She must've been in the bathroom.

"Oh, hi boys! You're up! Just in time for pancakes!" Polly placed one on a plate and gave it to Mari. The table was set up with maple syrup (a local kind), butter, and brown sugar.

Usually, pancakes were only on the weekends, but since friends were over, Polly made an exception. Basil was excited to eat them with his friends.

"I haven't had brown sugar on pancakes since I was in kindergarten. Now it's just way too sweet for me." Sunny commented.

"Oh, I think it still tastes great!" Basil remarked.

Sunny shrugged, "I won't fault you for it. You're a sweet guy, after a-" Sunny paused. Basil blushed. He must've not thought his words through. Basil was luckily very careful not to take it the wrong way.

"You're so nice, Sunny." Basil giggled for a couple of seconds after finishing his sentence. Just to keep it light-hearted. Didn't want Sunny to think Basil thought he wasn't truthful about his sexuality, after all.

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