Chapter Twenty-Six: The Game

Start from the beginning

Poppy and I strolled back to the ministry, the lingering remnants of our lunchtime escape still buoying my spirits. As I approached the office, a mix of anticipation and guilt welled up within me. I couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in my stomach, even as I recognized the weight of such feelings.

Opening the door to my office, I found Felix diligently organizing stacks of files at a nearby desk. As he heard the door, his face lit up with a warm smile.
"Welcome back. Did you have a nice lunch?" he inquired, his voice brimming with genuine interest.
I nodded, unable to suppress a soft smile, "I did, it was lovely," I replied, appreciating the small respite from the mounting tensions.
Felix took a moment to brief me on his progress.
"I took the liberty of organizing some of the piles. Since I'm not familiar with the magic you used, I did it all by hand," he said playfully, his eyes dancing with mischief. Grateful for his efforts, I sincerely expressed my gratitude.
"Thank you, Felix. I truly appreciate it. But did you not have anything to eat?" I asked, genuine concern etching my voice.

Felix shrugged nonchalantly, his playful demeanor intact. "No worries, Athena. I'll grab something for myself after work. It's not a big deal," he assured me, his carefree nature shining through. As the day unfolded, my mind remained divided between my professional responsibilities and the subtle intrigue that accompanied Felix's presence. The delicate balance between my loyalty to Sebastian and the undeniable allure of Felix's charm tugged at my thoughts, leaving me to wonder what lay ahead.

As the workday drew to a close, I rose from my chair behind the desk, ready to head home. Felix, ever attentive, stood by my side, holding out my satchel. With a nod of gratitude, I took it from his hands. We walked side by side, the rhythm of our steps in sync, as the city buzzed around us. Passing by a quaint convenience stand adorned with an array of tempting snacks and treats, Felix's attention was momentarily diverted. He paused, his curiosity piqued by the array of options before him.
"Would you like something?" he asked, his tone polite and considerate.

I hesitated for a moment, appreciating the gesture but declining his offer.
"No, thank you," I replied, my voice carrying a hint of reservation. Felix persisted, his desire to please evident in his words.
"Are you sure, sweetheart? I'd be more than happy to get something for you." His genuine concern tugged at my heart, but I stood firm.
"I'm okay, really. I appreciate your offer," I assured him, hoping he would understand.

Felix grabbed a warm meat pasty from the stand, a treat for himself, as we resumed our walk homeward. Despite the mild diversion, my anticipation grew, my mind yearning to return to the comforting presence of Sebastian. The journey home felt interminable, my eagerness to be reunited with him heightening with each passing step.

As the familiar sight of our building came into view, a surge of anticipation coursed through me. Determined to reach the sanctuary of my home, I quickened my pace, my footsteps echoing in the stairwell. Felix trailed closely behind, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You seem awfully eager to escape my charming company," he quipped, his tone laced with playful mischief.

I turned towards him, a coy smile dancing on my lips. "Not at all," I retorted, savoring the playful banter, "I'm just exhausted and ready to be home."
His laughter mingled with mine as he acknowledged my response, his eyes shimmering with a hint of mystery.

As we reached the hallway outside our respective apartments, a subtle smile played upon Felix's lips.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he murmured, a touch of secrecy lingering in his voice. I reciprocated his nod with a respectful gesture, my curiosity lingering even as I turned to unlock my own door. Stepping inside the familiar embrace of our studio, my heart fluttered with anticipation, eager to reunite with Sebastian. However, an unexpected silence greeted me, with no trace of his presence. My eyes landed on the table, where a neatly placed letter caught my attention. Setting down my satchel on the hook, I made my way towards it, my curiosity piqued.

Thicker than Blood // Vol. Two// Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now