chapter 3

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Miyuki's pov
I was thinking how to get out of this class, because it's physics and it makes me sleepy , as I was thinking of ways to escape,  the boy who bumped into yume tapped on my desk " um if it's okay do you think we can talk In private during lunch time " he asked

," meet at the big cherry blossom tree near the cafeteria" I told the boy , I said that to the boy because , this boy reminds of him so  there could be a chance that it's  him afterall they have the same last name , anyways enough thinking I need to get out of here, I raised my hand and said
"excuse me may I go to the washroom" and the teacher replied with an yes

《Time skip 》
Miyuki's pov
Now I am in the roof of the school gotta say they got a nice rooftop as I was looking around I saw a shed and i think it's abandoned after all that door looks a bit old , I putted on a mask and went near the door of the shed then I took out a glove from my uniform blazer pocket don't ask why I have a glove, just know that it's there because I don't like getting my hands dirty

I tried to open the door, but as expected it locked , but it's no problem for me afterall I am a mafia in the outside world and a yakuza in Japan so these types of things are child's play to me , I took out a Bobby pin blazer pocket again,  and started to unlock the door *cilck* there you go it's unlocked,  now I twist the door knob again and this time it opened,

  i was expecting it to be dusty and old , but to my pleasant surprise it was clean and to be honest it looked really comfy

Looks like I found a perfect sleeping spot , I closed the door and went to the couch I first made sure that it's not dusty,  then I layed on it "mhm this is so comfy" I feel so peaceful that I fell a sleep

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Looks like I found a perfect sleeping spot , I closed the door and went to the couch I first made sure that it's not dusty,  then I layed on it "mhm this is so comfy" I feel so peaceful that I fell a sleep

Haru's pov
Tch I hate T/n's sensei's ( teacher's name ) class it so bored and he doesn't even know how to joke around
I prefer yushi-sensei's class more,  sure his smile is so bright that it hurts my eyes but he knows how to joke around

I walking up the stairs to the rooftop
Because , I haven't told anyone this but I actually got the key to the shed there from the principle a few weeks ago , because I wanted to have a private place and since that shed has been abandoned it's the perfect place,  so I asked the principle for the key 'very nicely'

after I got the key I cleaned the  shed and asked the principle for some furniture 'very kindly ' so now the shed is basically my relaxing spot .
I opened door to roof and went to the shed I was going to put my key in when I noticed that the door is unlocked did I forget to close it

I opened the door to the shed only to see a girl laying in my couch sleeping,  nah ah that's my couch missy I was going to wake her up , when I noticed her features,

pale skin not the sickly kind the healthy one , she has  sliver-ish hair
That looks like the colour the a moon and combined with the plump pink lips , ' I wonder how- ' what's wrong with , why am I acting like this , I mean I have seen a lot of pretty girls sure they're not pretty as the girl here

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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