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Me and Harry, we were supposed to be unbreakable. We promised ourselves this years ago, we said no matter what we would help and support each other.  Funny how everything can change so quickly.

Hogwart. The best and worst thing that happened to us.

It happened so quickly. All the information about the chosen one, the dark lord, wizards and witches, it was like a dream. But I quickly realised that it was Harry's dream not mine, not ours, just his – and I was just living in it.

It stated in the first year, I wasn't aware of it back then but now looking at it, it definitely started there.

Young us walking to get sorted to our Hogwart house's. We learned about it from Ron and Hermione the two kids we met on the train. They both got in to Gryffindor, the 'good one', after them I heard the hat loudly saying my name 'Rosalie Potter' it shout.

All eyes on me. All eyes on eleven year old child who still was learning about her and hers brother story. Well just her brother, no one even knew about her, I was not the chosen one so why would anyone know about me? So just imagine the shock and confusion on people's faces.

I sat on the little chair and the old lady put the funky talking hat on my head and it immediately started speaking, I flinched but I've straighten my back and looked forward to not look scared. I was terrified.

The hat spoken."Ahhh Potter, not The Potter but still powerfull one. Very ambitious and caring that's for sure hm were could you feel the best. Gryffindor would be the good choice but I do not see you fit in there. Hmm interesting, very interesting." It stopped taking for awhile and I thought I've maybe broken it, it would not be the first time I broke something important so definitely something I would do.

But then the hat moved and shouted "Ahh I think I know SLYTHERIN"

All I knew about slythetin was from Ron and he said it was the 'bad one' so I wasn't very happy about it. Only the green table clap for me, so yeah definitely no one liked them. Walking to  the table I've looked at Harry who just gave me a little smile.

I've sat next to the rude blond kid that was trying to get to know Harry before but failed due to his stupidness. I've look at him and he was just as shocked as everyone else that I was Harry's sister. Cool.

I watched Harry getting sorted to his house in hope he would be in Slytherin as well and oh boy I was so stupid.

I tried to listen to the hat but couldn't hear much. I've got excited after hearing it say slytherin but seconds later it shouted 'GRYFFINDOR' what the hell?

Harry walking down to the table only gave me his sorry look but he didn't know what he just did. It was the first step to fall of our relation, we both did not knew it back then, but we definitely know it now. At least I know that.

The first and second year were alright, I was spending most of my time with the trio but deep down I knew I wasn't fitting. Harry got it to some serious troubles but I didn't knew much about it because he wasn't telling me all.

Being a slytherin wasn't as bad as I thought, I started to like it even. Well besides the Malfoy kid. But I've got some other friends Sylvie and Caroline, I am living in a same dorm with them and they always know how to make me laugh. I love them, and adore them because they see more in me then just a Potter 'lost' sister.

Year three however was the downfall. Harry became so selfish and didn't want to share anything with me. Just Ron and Hermione. It was a lot to take in but I was acting like I don't care. But there is one thing I can't forgive him and I probably will never forgive him. He did not told me about Sirius. And Remus which is my godfather and if not him I wouldn't know that either.

I hate my brother. And I do not need him anymore.


I hope it wasn't that bad. I tried to show the relation between Harry and Rose but don't worry there will be more Draco later.

I was debating to start with year 4 or 5 but I really want to write about Yule Ball.

I will take every criticism so feel free to say anything!!

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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