A shadow

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Looks as if the one I like wants nothing to do with me. Doesn't write back nor text back so. Looks obvious should look elsewhere as I have done. She is far far away from here. 3 hours behind us. I started looking else where when I came to this conclusion. "Ohio women don't know what they have till they throw it away and never give a chance, a chance to let someone in, a chance to forget everyone else, a chance to be happy instead of afraid." I've made my decision in this biting fire pit of shadows and fear of scare of harm. I talk to this Phoenix from afar but no one shall know. Cause it doesn't need to be told to you. It's not your business. All you need to know is I given up on Ohio I've learned elsewhere is good better people and you all showed me this. By breaking hearts and ruining promises. Yall know who you are and I have nothing to say to you anymore. I've held my head down for so long and now things are looking bright. Sunshine bright I can breath again screw my past. Remembering some of you would be a waste of my time from what you did. I've made commitments to this new one from afar and it looks great and better than the close wind could offer. Plans can still change but will they? Will this wild fire need more fuel to burn longer and fiercely intense. The new home town will be in Colorado away from this crazy people. This wild fire will burn to the ground what will I say next. You don't care and I don't care play the road. Yolo it for all I care. Your opinion doesn't matter to me I work hard to show you who I am and you throw it away. But I still like the cooling. Breeze in a couple of my classes I just think I should give up I'm getting no positive input feedback from the wind.

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