"These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started."

The class gasped and cheered with delight.

Our hero costumes.

"Get yourselves suited up," All Might instructed, "and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!"

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone rose to grab their designated case before heading to the changing rooms. Aina was anxious to see the final product of her designs. She hadn't asked for much in the request forms; all she wanted was something light, sleek and weatherproof. The rest was up to the manufacturing team.

The pieces to her costume were minimal: a black bodysuit with a steely gray collar, a matching gray tailcoat with a large hood, black leather gloves, knee-high black boots, and solid gold guards for her arms and knees.

The design was rather vintage, but it was still beyond anything Aina imagined she would receive. Majority of the outfit was easy to wear, but the black bodysuit was a  little too skintight for her liking.

"Wow, your costume looks amazing!"

Aina turned around to face Uraraka, who approached with a bubbly skip in her step.
"It's so sleek and sophisticated!" She commented.

Aina nodded her head shyly. "Oh... thank you. Yours looks good too."

Examining Uraraka's outfit, she also wore a black bodysuit, but hers had a pale pink design on her shoulders and torso. She wore wide knee high boots, pink circular wrist supports, a matching pink belt, and a helmet with a tinted visor.

"Haha, thanks," she chuckled. "My suit is a lot tighter than I expected it to be, though. I'm not really a fan, so I'll probably have to submit a new design form later on."

You and me, both. Aina couldn't help but wonder if the manufacturers did this to all of the girls' costumes on purpose.

Class 1A emerged from the changing area, everyone glistening in their new outfits. They found All Might waiting for them at the training ground, standing tall and fearsome even amidst the towering buildings.

"They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentleman," he proclaimed, "and behold, you are the proof! Take this to heart. From now on you are all... heroes in training!" He chuckled like a proud father. "This is getting me all revved up. You look so cool! Now. Shall we get started, you buncha newbies?"

Everyone cheered with excitement. Some classmates had gathered to compare outfits together.

It's a little weird to see everyone outside of their school uniforms. But then again, this is U.A, after all...

"Hey, it's Aoi, right? Aina Aoi?"

Aina turned to the sound of her name. Approaching her was a familiar classmate: the girl from home room that wasn't fooled by Mr. Aizawa's 'rational deception'.

"I didn't get a chance to introduce myself yesterday," she said. "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, and I just wanted to say that I love your costume! It's so vintage."

A heteromorphic student with the face of a raven also joined in, "I agree. I'm a big fan of your cloak in particular."

Aina was caught off guard by their compliments. "Oh um, thank you..."

So many people are talking to me.... And that girl remembers my name too?

All Might's booming voice interrupted their conversation. "Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training."

This World and the Next - A Todoroki x BNHAOC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now