Chapter 4

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Another bright and sunny morning made for a pleasant walk to school. Crowds of students were gathered at the entrance when Aina reached UA High; it looked much livelier than yesterday.

Navigating the building was also easier; she was able to find the door of Class 1A in minutes. Majority of her classmates had already shown up. Todoroki sat at his desk, observing all the ruckus as usual. As she approached her seat, their gazes locked for a brief moment.

Both were stiff upon seeing the other. Yesterday's conversation hadn't sat well with either of them, and it wouldn't be so easily forgotten.

Aina tried her best to ignore Todoroki's piercing eyes as she sat down in her chair. The boy couldn't help but notice that she was wearing her earbuds again.

The last few students piled in shortly after. When Mr. Aizawa arrived, the room was dramatically different compared to yesterday. The class was attentive, tense, perhaps even intimidated.

"Four seconds for you all to quiet down," he announced. "That's already an improvement from yesterday. You're all beginning to learn, congratulations." His tone was as rye and unenthusiastic as before. "Now that the easy stuff is out of the way, let's begin today's lesson."

The start of their second day was filled with standard lessons, written notes and basic assignments. Aside from the teachers being pro heroes, the classes were just as boring as any other school. Aina's least favorite was English with Present Mic.

"Hey, everybody, look alive! Grammar rules!" he exclaimed, observing their weary faces.

Yelling about the lesson doesn't make this any more interesting...

When lunch period rolled around, Aina found herself hesitant to go to the cafeteria. She didn't want a repeat of her encounter with Todoroki; his crude remarks had spoiled her appetite last time.

To her surprise though, the boy with two-toned hair was nowhere to be found. She couldn't deny her mild curiosity, but was grateful nonetheless to have the table to herself. The break came and went with ease, and the class to follow would be the most exciting by far.

"I... AM... HERE!" Class 1A turned their attention towards a booming patriotic voice.

"Coming through the door like a hero!"

Everyone gasped at the all-too familiar legend that marched into their room.

"I can't believe it's really All Might!"

"So he is a teacher! This year is gonna be totally awesome!"

"Hey, look. Is he wearing his Silver Age costume?"

"I'm getting goose-bumps. It's so retro!"

Even Aina was staring in amazement. The Number-One hero, standing before them in his classic red, yellow and blue jumpsuit. He had a muscular build with chiseled features all around, and shining gold hair to match his pure white smile. The look in his eyes, the pride in his steps; he had a persona that screamed nothing but justice.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High," declared All Might. "Think of it as "Hero-ing 101." Here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!"

He held up a sign that had the word "BATTLE" written in bold, red letters. The room seemed to spark with a newfound energy.

"Fight training," Bakugo held a menacing smile.

"Real combat?" squeaked a nervous Midoriya.

All Might continued on, "But one of the keys of being a hero is... looking good!" He pointed a finger to the side of the room. From there, four hidden shelves emerged from the wall to display rows of shining steel cases. Each had a bold neon number printed on its surface, correlated to match the seat number of every student

This World and the Next - A Todoroki x BNHAOC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now