Vons story

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So I'm going to write how von was when jiho is not dead yet

Von when he was a child he's actually a very cheerful,kind child his father is not around his entire childhood

This is his father when he was younger
Eric de allister 👇

This is his father when he was youngerEric de allister 👇

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And when he's an adult

Yes he's very hot and handsome

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Yes he's very hot and handsome

And the only thing von is closed to was his mom and his siblings

This is his mom
Delila de allister

When she was younger

When she was younger

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Vons mom can changer her hair color her hair color is originally blonde but when she use her magic it turned into grayish and kinda brown

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Vons mom can changer her hair color her hair color is originally blonde but when she use her magic it turned into grayish and kinda brown

When shes an adult

I know mommy right

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I know mommy right

And Vons mom is really kind women that's why Eric love her and vons mom came from a low rank family and Delila is the face of the her family known for having a charming face that can lead man to go crazy but then she got a letter to come to the dukes mansion and then that's how she met Eric and they fall in loved got married have kids and then when Delila is pregnant with von she starts having sick body and when von turned 4 her conditioned gotten worse she needs to stay in bed and Eric goes to leave and look for an medicine and when von turns 5 years old that's when Eric goes back and the kids were so excited but in Eric's response he couldn't find the medicine and the kids was so sad about that and when von turned 6 that's when Delila died and Vons siblings and Eric starts to blaming von  and ignoring him of what happened to Delila and that's whats Vons backstory and what made him the mean, bully,villian, and trash right now and also
Just wanna tell you guys this

Villian is always the bad guys when it comes to the heroes story but villian is the most misunderstood person and why it's because
Heroes would sacrifice you to save the world and the sake of others
But villian would sacrifice the world just to save you and ready to make the world his enemy just for you and probably the villian must have a tough backstory like for example someone killed his family or someone killed someone he loves and that's what made him the villian right now the real villians are the ones who made the 'villians' and that's why don't judge a book by its covered and a person maybe is mean, rude, etc. On the outside doesn't mean that's what he is in the inside and that's why think before you became a villian think before you become it you still have a long adventures ahead of you  and you don't know what's gonna happened in the future if you have a good one or a bad one you don't know. Life is like a game you have to pick a choice one of them is a bad one and one of them is a good one and you don't know whats the result and that what makes life interesting and don't think about someone when they're talking behind you and talking shit about you they're behind you for a reason  and today there's no one you can trust as they say the closer they are to you the hurtest they're going to hurt you it maybe your bestfriend or someone close to you and don't listen to them your a good person they're are just a snake who's coming to ruin your life live your life chase your dream do whatever you want and also GOOD LUCK

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