chapter 4

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It's been quite this days and to von its so boring for him and then the duke called von to his office

"Yes father you called for me?" Von said

"Yes well you see I made a decision you are now going to the academy"


"And now prepared tomorrow to will go"

"Yess father I understand" as von bowed

As von walked out of the office

"Maiddd!!!!" Von shouted then quickly a maid came running
"Yess young master" as the maid quickly bows

"Prepared my luggage"

"Yes young master"

"Good you can now go" von said

Timeskipss 1 day later

Finally were von is now in the academy it was a very luxurious academy it's really popular aven the royal children also learned the academy name is ' alvon academy'

And now von is currently in his dorm and he also have a roommate

'i wonder how are those kids' von thought

Suddenly someone knock

"Umm yes come in!!!!!" Von shouted

"Uhh hello my name is hella auclair and I'm your roommate"

"Ohh hello nice to meet you my name is von de allister"

"Uhh yeahh anyways nice to see you too" as the girl quickly leaves

'that was weird' von said but he just shrugged it off but then when he was about to get up from his bed he sees a figure in the dark but the figure disappeared and when he was about to turned around he sees a tall figure right Infront of him he shouted and then he heared the figure laughing and as he took a closer look it was LUCAS

"Hahahahaha you should see your face hahahaha" Lucas said laughing

"Haha very funny Lucas" von said with a sarcastic voice and annoyed look
"Anyways what are you doing here anyways?" Von ask to Lucas

"Didn't I tell you that will meet soon" Lucas said
"Oh yeah I forgot about that but I didn't think it's the 'soon' is gonna be today" as von scratch his head
"Oh yeah it's night now you should get going" von said

"No thanks I thinks I should stay here a bit" Lucas said making himself feel home

"Wa-" von was cutted when Lucas put his hand on Vons lips which makes von stop talking

"Shh" Lucas said

"What?" Von ask

"Nvm" Lucas said

"Really!!!" Von shouted at Lucas while Lucas have a smugged look on his face

"Here" as von hand out a blanket
"Your sleeping on the floor"as von crossed his arm
"Whattt that's unfair" Lucas said sulking
"You sleep on the floor or outside which one" von said

"Fine whatever" Lucas said with annoyed face

This is the end of the fourth chapter!!!!

Became The Childhood Bestfriend Of The Strongest People Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora