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Anne grew more confused but didn't question it, stepping off the porch and onto the ground with Marcy, who smiled, glad that she agreed.

She let go of Marcy's hand, squeezing the other one and glancing at the ravenette as they walked.

The sun was almost gone now, streams of gold shining over them as they walked through an unfamiliar forest, brushing all of the obstacles away, which there wasn't many of.

In the distance sat a space with no trees and a medium sized pond with lilly pads spread across the water.

A few more steps and they were there, standing in the grove and facing each other.

Marcy sucked in a breath, ready to confess, Anne watching intently. "So, uh, I kinda have a confession," She stared, nervously scratching her eyebrow.

Anne nodded, listening as best as she could. "Go on,"

Marcy struggled to find her words again, before deciding on what felt right- no planned speech, just letting words spill out of her mouth.

"Well uh, I uh-" She gulped. "I like you, Anne. You're amazing, I'm so lucky to have you,"

"A-and I understand if you don't like me back, you don't even need to answer right now, I just wanted to get this off my chest." She admitted.
There's no going back now.

Anne blushed, a smile coating her face, trying to think of a response. She put on a fake harsh tone, replying, "Yeah, I will answer now. And I,"

Marcy jumped at her stern voice, anticipating her response, probably rejection due to her tone.

She softened her voice, continuing. "Like you, too."

Marcy blew out a sigh of relief before laughing. "You scared me!" She playfully nudged her elbow, making her chuckle with her.

"Pfft," Anne laughed, opening her eyes to see Marcy still looking back at her. She quickly covered it up by looking at the tree next to her.

They then turned fully back to each other, closer than before, holding both of each other's hands, admiration sparking in Anne's eyes just looking at her in awe.

From her green eyes sending a focused, calm stare at her (which wasn't as nerve-racking as it was before) to her cheeks that were painted red, and finally to her lips, which she took notice of.

She eventually spoke, a smile on her face. "Close your eyes, Anna-banana."

The fireflies surrounding them and the pond rubbed off into her eyes, sending yellow lights into Anne's view.

She slowly fluttered her eyes shut, trusting her, feeling a wave of shock and  excitement as her lips pressed into Anne's.

She stood still in surprise before gently kissing her back without a second thought.

Marcy smiled as the brunette pressed deeper, the kiss soft yet still passionate, both stepping closer as blushes painted their faces.

Anne's hands found their way to Marcy's cheeks, feeling them still heating up, slightly dizzy and lost in the girl.

They slowly pulled away, dazed, finally looking back at each other, small flushes of red still on their faces. "Wh... wow..." Anne muttered, causing Marcy's blush to spread.

Anne's grew with hers, realising Marcy had heard her.

"Pfft, it's okay Anne, though we should probably head back before your dad gets mad," Marcy smiled, offering her hand, making Anne's gaze flicker from her eyes to her hand, which she nodded and gently took.

Anne turned her head to her, her mind begging to ask a specific question, but telling herself to ask later.

They soon reached the house, opening the door to be greeted by Domino as they walked in, the cat purring at their feet as Anne scooped her up in her hands, giving Marcy a chance to take in her beauty.

Before she knew it, Anne had dropped the cat, who leaped up to her room, grabbed her hand and led them up to follow the cat.

Marcy embraced the way Anne's hand wrapped around hers, making her heart flutter, squeezing her hand, enjoying the warmth.

She strolled into the room, turning off the light and closing the door, simply resorting to the lamp for light.

They both layed on the bed, Anne bringing out her phone while Marcy got her Nintendo as the two just enjoyed each other's company. They grasped the occasional glance, sometimes meeting eyes, making them embarrassedly look away.

"You know, it's getting late, I'm probably gonna go to sleep, 'night Annie." Marcy yawned after a while.

Anne nodded, though half-focusing on how her lips moved, even though she was only talking to her, her eyes couldn't help but be dragged down to them, making Anne want to lean in and kiss her.

"Please just kiss me," She thought to herself, hardly coming out audible.

She suddenly remembered how well Marcy could hear, which sure enough made Marcy's eyes spring open with a blush.

Her eyes softened at how red Anne's face was, giving her a soft smile and pulling her in for a short kiss, making her smile back before pulling away.

"Happy now?" Marcy joked, though she herself was pretty joyed.

"Very." Anne responded, lifting a hand to Marcy's face and brushing strands of hair from her eyes as she silently admired the black-haired girl.

Her mind filled with air, butterflies and thoughts of Marcy, but she didn't mind it at all.

Marcy leaned into her hand, nuzzling at it, making her more tired as Anne pulled her closer, pressing their bodies together as Marcy wrapped herself tightly around her girlfriend.

Anne smiled at her, her other hand thread through Marcy's. Anne reached for the lamp, turning it off. With Marcy asleep beside her, she definitely would rest easy tonight.

NGL this was supposed to be a oneshot but I couldn't stop writing and there's more coming so HERE WE ARE

word count: 981

UNEXPECTED || MARCANNEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن