threading rain

965 12 15

Marcy took another step down the pavement, seeking Anne's house, quivering and trying to warm herself up.

Rain pelted at the girl, cold wind brushing her face. She had no umbrella on hand, only her jumper, which barely helped on one of the coldest days of the year.

She couldn't really be blamed about going to Anne's, since her parents let her go there pretty much any time, and the school was closer to her house.

She soon found her way onto Anne's porch, shivering and ringing the doorbell.

A few seconds passed before the door unlocked and opened, a blast of heat coming by her from the house, noticing the heaters were on.

The brunette who opened the door pulled her into the house, patting down some lingering raindrops on her and quickly closing the door.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around Marcy in a hug.

Marcy smiled and hugged back, embracing her warmth. "Hey, sorry I came in without texting you- i-it's really cold,"

"You're good dude, I get it," Anne started, pulling away from the hug. "Wanna go up to my room?"

Marcy nodded, treading up the stairs and walking up into the room, Anne by her side as she sat down on the bed, closing her door.

Anne thumped next to her, turning to face her, hearing rain in the distance.

They softly gazed at the other for a bit, Marcy putting her hands on Anne's shoulders, making her subconsciously lean closer.

Marcy twirled her head to the window, rain pattering on the roof, drops of water hitting the room.

She turned back to Anne's eyes, getting lost in them, unique shades of blue shifting and reflecting love.

Her eyes were soon dragged down to her lips, casting a blush onto Anne's face as she noticed her eyes.

She moved closer to Anne, timidly leaning in and cupping her face in her hand, capturing her lips with hers.

Her eyes lingered open before closing them, Anne's still open out of shock.

Marcy quickly noticed it was one-sided and pulled away, slightly ashamed as she moved her hand back and nervously rubbed her own arm with it.

She opened her mouth to apologise, trying to find words. "Sorry... I-I shouldn't have done that, I should have asked yo-"

She was cut off by a swift kiss from Anne, pulling her back by her head, a wild blush clouding her face and making her tense up.

Marcy slowly closed her eyes and kissed her back, relaxing her body and wrapping her arms around her waist, pressing their bodies together, wanting to feel Anne's soft lips.

Marcy smiled, both feeling as if hundreds of fireworks bursted in front of them, their hearts fluttering.

Anne pulled Marcy closer as she deepened the kiss by tilting her head, her elbows dropping onto Marcy's shoulders as her hands stayed threading through her hair.

Anne grinned, making Marcy mirror her smile just feeling it against her lips.

They pulled away slowly, staying closely wrapped up in each other as they opened their eyes, gazing into the other's.

Comfortable silence crossed over them, the only sound being the rain and quiet panting from the two.

Anne's smile grew as she let their lips brush for a moment, finding herself staring into Marcy's forest green eyes.

Her eyes sparkled as she dreamily looked back, making Anne suck in a breath as her blush returned.

Marcy soon zoomed out of her haze, subconsciously rubbing her thumb against Anne's cheek, who melted at her touch.

Anne moved her arms down from Marcy's head to her torso, waiting for a nod before laying down, bringing Marcy with her.

She grabbed a blanket and threw it over them, moving closer to Marcy and whispering something into her ear.

"You said you were cold?" She said with a flirty tone.

Marcy's face dyed red, trying to come up with a response but just making a weird noise, making her blush grow in embarrassment. "Mmhm," She muttered in a 'yes'.

Marcy pressed her body against Anne's and nuzzled her head into Anne's chest, grabbing one of her hands and putting the other under her arm.

Anne smiled at the flustered ravenette and drifted asleep cuddled up next to her.


Word count: 726

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