Why I switched from supporting Taekook to Jikook?

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The answer to this is simple.

Taekook gives me no reason to support them.

Taehyung himself replied to a taekook post on Weverse saying "you better get out of your imagination, it's not good to be there," to shut down the delusional shippers.

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But despite the idol himself appearing on weverse to confirm that Taekook is not a romantic ship (in simpler words, is not real), the taekookers continue to ship them together (which is fine

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But despite the idol himself appearing on weverse to confirm that Taekook is not a romantic ship (in simpler words, is not real), the taekookers continue to ship them together (which is fine. I respect your imaginations and I won't interfere with that). But no, they don't stop there. They go on to bring a bunch of fake "proof" to show that taekook is real. Moreover, they call us Jikookers "delusional."


It's clear from Taehyung's response to the shipper's post on Weverse is enough to claim that he is totally against being romantically shipped with his fellow bandmate, Jungkook

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It's clear from Taehyung's response to the shipper's post on Weverse is enough to claim that he is totally against being romantically shipped with his fellow bandmate, Jungkook. Or if not against it, he's definitely uncomfortable with it.

Initially, I myself shipped Taekook. They were cute together and they seemed to share a lot of moments together. Youtube videos on vkook moments are hella deceiving by the way, cause those are trimmed and edited in ways that it looks like it's all real (like oh, that dreamy gaze in both their eyes when they look at each other and shit like that) and that's actually how I kinda got deceived into thinking Taekook probably had something going on between them.

I didn't realise how fake those were till my friend (another army) pointed it out to me.

And BAM!

What do I find?

She's right.

You talk about over exaggeration and you have it in most taekook edits, bro (sighs).

Also the latest news says that Taehyung and Jennie are possibly dating. If you look at the companies responses to the dating rumours, they've said "we don't know because it's an artist's private life." There has been no denial of the possibility that Taehyung and Jennie are dating.

Anyways, I guess that's enough roasting for the taekookers. My bad, I mean those delusional and toxic taekookers (and I don't mean all of them by this. Just some of those who go to extreme lengths to prove taekook real and drag Jikookers by calling us delusional).

Why do I support Jikook?

There's probably a hundred reasons for it, and I'll make note of them one by one as we proceed. Moments that scream out Jikook isn't just a friendly or brotherly relationship between two idols.

Why Jikook is real? [Observations by a once Taekook shipper]Where stories live. Discover now