You, who has never felt love.

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(As per @DosingOver request. I really liked the thought of having a Kosetsu-centered chapter, where it's in his POV. But do understand though, this happens before he got attacked by the Honkai.) 

(Basically a short chapter, all about the OC that I really enjoy writing.) 

For the longest time in my life, I knew that I was somehow... different from others. I can see through others, because unnecessary actions, just might have meaning, Fate after all does not take action for no reason at all.

But just as long as I can see through the glass heart of people, there was one I couldn't see, myself. My own intentions, and at things maybe I have forgotten myself along the way of walking through life.

But still, somebody was there for me, a really bright star that lightened up the ugly world that I live in. A mother to me. 

Kind and gentle, but I knew she had ulterior motives. I knew it because I could see it in her actions. And I knew, that my mother only saw me as something, like a bond to my father. 

She never loved me because I was Kosetsu, rather she loved me because I was my father's son. I knew very much of that, but I still turn a blind eye to her kindness? Why?

Because I was tired. I saw the intentions of others from me, the want to use others, the want to use each other as stepping stone to simply stand on top of the world. 

The motives to help somebody, is lost along the way of life, and turn into the seek for one's own pleasure, to one's own becoming a god. After all...

If you lose, you're a loser forever... 

But even so, just how much ugly this world is, through these eyes. Just how much ugly my mother is, I knew that I... still wanted kindness, even if it's fake. 

Even if it was... simply another fantasy in my mind. That's why I acted it all out, I acted like she loved me as her own son, not because of my father. 

And this, I was satisfied, maybe not, I didn't know my true intentions. After all, just as much as I can see through the intention of others, I can never manipulate such people. 

To become insane is to see others insane too.

Manipulating others, is simply shaping another person to have these kind of intentions. Either way a person will change and change. 

Until to the point where sweet words can never affect the indomitable will of humanity. The indomitable will of either to bring joy to others, or to bring destruction to others. 

That's why for now, I'll simply look at the stars and see the world without intentions. It is simply better that way. 

The ability to think is the most dangerous thing in this world. 


Until The Very End (HI3 x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें