Chapter 3: The Encounter

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TW: Sexual abuse (it's about to get crazy in here! Sorry in advance!)

Y/N's POV:

I quickly drop Bowers, and sprint off towards the diner, the place closest to me.

The little bell on the door to the shop rings as I sprint in, sit down and grab a menu.

But of course, Bowers runs right after me. So literally a split second after I pickup the menu, he sprints in. 

He immediately spots me, as soon as a peek around the menu (just to get a good look at how many people are with him).

"Why hello princess, fancy meeting you here" He smirks, licking his lips. "Why don't we go for a little walk?"

His goons grab me and force me out the door of the diner, and I silently hope someone will save me.

Henry and his friends drag me into an alleyway and Henry whispers something in Patrick's ear, and then they all run away.

Before I get the chance to escape, he pulls out some handcuffs (probably stolen from his dad, a cop), and handcuffs me to him. 

"Sorry princess, but no escaping this time."He whispers in my ear.

He quickly snags off my clothes, leaving me in my bra and panties. 

"Awww no big boobs for me? You're getting more pathetic by the second." He laughs. "I know you don't love me now, but in a matter of minutes you'll  be screaming my name." He licks his lips, a creepy smile plastered on his face. 

He quickly removes my panties and then literally rips off his clothes and,without wasting a second, slams into me 

I scream in pain and he smirks, knowing he's won. 

*Time skip to after* (A

I'm REALLY sorry!😭)

I walk home (Bowers left awhile ago), shivering. After, he...y'know,raped me.. him and his gang took off. I quickly sneak inside my house, hoping no-no-one notices I was gone for an hour after school let out.

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