The Tenth

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Juro was quirkless until he became the tenth holder of One For All. Unlike every holder before him, Juro didn't choose to receive this legendary quirk. It was forced upon him by Izuku Midoriya. The transference process doesn't technically require the receiver to consent, meaning a holder could force someone to absorb their DNA and will One For All onto them. In Juro's case, a dying Izuku spat blood into his open mouth. The boy didn't want the secret weapon against All For One to die with him and had to take his only chance before he slipped away.

With each transfer, One For All grows in power. Juro's superstrength is even greater than All Might's and Izuku Midoriya's. However, the tenth is unable to tap into this immense power. One For All has become an example of quirk singularity, a rare phenomenon where a quirk is too powerful for its user to control and likely to be fatal. Juro is unable to use the physical abilities of One For All, without the backlash permanently destroying a body part or dying. Since a single usage can be fatal, it is impossible to train this power in an attempt to overcome this backlash.

Juro was wholly unable to use the physical abilities of One For All, such as superstrength and black whip. For a time, Juro thought he was good as quirkless. But when Juro received his first visions from the Vestiges, he realised there was a mental element of One For All he could still tap into. All the previous holders had left the vestiges under investigation, as their time was spent training their physical abilities. Out of options, Juro trained his connection to the Vestige world and searched for any untapped potential. While he wasn't as powerful as All Might, Juro's newly discovered abilities made him far from quirkless. Juro's cover name for One For All was "Ancestral Possession".


Through months of meditation, Juro has become fully in sink with the vestiges. He has gained new abilities that were thought impossible with One For All. The vestiges are no longer buried in Juro's subconscious and take a much more active role on the battlefield. Juro has fully taken advantage of having a hivemind of 9 people.

Collective memory: Juro can communicate to the vestiges whenever he wants, even if he's wide awake. He can access the knowledge and memories of nine different people. It's most useful for getting flashbacks into All For One's past. Though the vestiges are not limited to memories from the distant past, as they can observe and memorise Juro's present life. If Juro forgets something, one of the nine vestiges can likely remember it for him. It is almost as good as photographic memory.

Possession: Juro can allow a single vestige to temporarily take over his body, which changes his voice, mannerisms and skill set. The tenth remain conscious when he's possessed and can instantly take back control. Technically, two vestiges can possess his body, but they're limited to controlling one-half each. This multiple-possessed state is very awkward, as Juro can't walk with his legs acting independently of each other. The best usage for this state is that Juro can multi-task during a research period. For example, his left hand can be writing notes, and his right hand can be tapping on a computer.

Supernatural skills: Each vestige has their own skillset, and since Juro can choose from nine to possess hun, there is a wide range of skills. Juro can access seven languages combined. The fourth, Hikage Shinomori, spent decades in the wilderness on his own; because of this, he knows survival techniques and semi-professional medical care. Whenever Juro needs to make a quick escape, he lets Daigoro Banjo possess him and use his parkour.

Conscious control of bodily functions: In the past, the vestiges proved themselves to be capable of controlling their host's body. They snapped Izuku out of his brainwashing at the Sports Festival. Acting on Juro's behalf, the vestiges can give him conscious control of his own bodily functions. Juro can push his body to its natural limits without needing athlete-level training. The many examples of what Juro can do with this: Numbing pain receptors, stopping panic attacks and kick-starting adrenaline. Though this exhausts Juro's body very quickly, possibly collapsing if he's not careful.

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