The Gerudo Hero

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(What if the Hero of Legend was not born to the Hylians but the Gerudo. What would change.)

          Long ago before anything existed there where six gods separated from each other by a mirror like barrier. In one realm the three goddesses that worked together were Din, Nayru, and Farore, their mirror the gods who worked together were Raal, Drayan, and Shoraf. Din was the goddess of Power and created the material that made up her world, Raal was the god of weakness and likewise he created his realms matter. Nayru the goddess of wisdom used her power to pour forth the laws that governed the world, Drayan the god of ignorance poured the magic that mad his world run. Finally the Goddess of Courage Farore created the lifeforms which would live on Din's world and would follow Nayru's laws and order, Shoraf the god of Cowardice created life to pillage the lands of Raal, and to manipulate the magics of Drayan. These two world would exist as reflections of one another, the worlds of the goddesses would go on to be known as Hyrule, well the world of the Gods became Lorule. 

          With their work now done the Goddesses and Gods departed for their respective heavens and left behind in the point where they left a sacred relic that their people would each come to know as the Triforce. Each was a relic consisting of three triangles one to represent a mere fraction of the power of each of the creating deities. To guard this holy relic they both left behind a Goddess and God respectively to safe guard the relic, as a immortal being can not use the power of the Triforce.

           All was well between both realms till the day the god put in place to protect the Lorulean Triforce learned of the existence of the other world. He weasled his way thru a dimensional fissure, and in doing so foreswore his full immortality and became know as a demon. This god became the Demon King Demise. He waged war against the goddess who was tasked with guarding Hyrule's Triforce demanding she gave it to him. Hylia naturally refused and after sending the Triforce away with her direct servants to the sky fought a long and hard battle against demise resulting in his sealing at the sealing ground in the point where once her statue blessed the earth. 

            Knowing the seal would not last forever, Hylia set to work concocting her master plan to finally defeat and seal this demon king forever. She created several structures around the land hiding in each a sacred fire that was blessed by each of her masters. She entrusted their safe keeping to the dragons of each province. Returning to the land she placed in the sky she created the goddess sword and the spirit Fi to be housed within, to guide here chosen hero when the time was right. She hid the Triforce away and guarded them with many puzzles designed to test her chosen hero. 

          Little did the Goddess know that Demise's sword, the one he had brought with him also bore a spirit. This one was heralded by Demise's hoards as a demon lord, Ghirahim, with his master sealed away he tasked himself with one mission, the resurrection of Demise. A mission that would take him many, many years to complete. With her plan mostly laid out there was but one final thing for Hylia to do, she willingly gave up her godhood and passed on to reincarnate as a mortal being. 

          Reincarnate she did as a Skyloftian female named Zelda. Zelda was the best friend of a boy who attended the Knight academy, Link. Well flying together after the Goddess ceremony Zelda was stolen away to the surface. A mighty adventure ensued which ultimately culminated in Link obtaining the Triforce and Wishing for the eradication of the imprisoned being that Demise's spirit had be come. After that Ghirahim stole Zelda back to the past to use her soul to revive Demise, with the ritual complete Demise returned Ghirahim to his true form, the Lorulean Master sword. Ultimatly Link Challenged and killed Demise in a realm of his own creation, as his essence was being sealed in the master sword by Fi, he bellowed out a curse. 

          "Extraordinary!" He bellowed out. "You stand a paragon of your kind, human. You fight like no man or demon I have ever known. Though this is not the end. My hate ... Never perishes. It is reborn anew in an endless cycle! I will rise again, those like you, those who share the blood of the Goddess and the spirit of the Hero ... shall be eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall forever follow your kind, dooming them to follow a blood soaked sea of darkness for all time!" 

          Demise was true to his word. When ever the blood of the Goddess and the spirit of Hero coexisted at the same time, disaster would soon follow. Yet the descendent of the Goddess and the Hero of each time always managed to prevail. Whether a drift in time or steeped in the glowing embers of Twilight or even riding the winds across a vast sea. The Hero would always find away to triumph of the evil of Demise. 

          Demise's hatred took on many forms, some where demons in their own right. Others had hidden themselves among common people of the day. On many occasions his hatred manifested in the form of the rare male Gerudo. Naturally this led to a great distrust of the Gerudo males by the tribes outside, and the main Gerudo tribe as well. In a period where the Triforce has perposefully been seperated from itself into its three components to keep them safe a male Gerudo born with an interesting birth mark on their left hand is mistaken for a bad omen. Like wise a male Hylian with a similar birth mark was mistaken to be the child born to defeat evil. Let's see how the life of these two will affect the minds of the citizens of Hyrule. 

Ganondorf POV: 

          I stood gazing out across the scorching sands of my home. We were a simple people who lived in the caves we had found in the cliffs of this "desolate desert". At least that's what mother always called it, personally I think this place is wonderful. Where the others saw only scorched winds, I could see the little bits of life that, like us, were struggling but managing to live out here all the same. The others cry and miss the treats of the gerudo desert, and might slightly resent my birth and our subsequent exile to these lands. I pick up a handful of sand that had blown onto the terrace before me. I was barely 6 and already the King of a tribe on the brink of extinction. 

          "Is something bothering you my King?" My mother said stepping close to me. She was a beautiful gerudo born with lovely dark skin and fine red hair, though as of late her hair has been rather damaged due to the harsh environment all my subjects have.

          "I am just deep in thought mother." I say as she walks over and lifts me up. "I wish to try and cultivate something for us here, but to do that we will need a way to keep some of this wind and sand at bay well letting the sun in and hopefully finding a good source of water. How are the others Mother?" 

          "Tired from the travel." She said looking down slightly, "They are either resting or enjoying some of their rations right about now." 

(This isn't currently finished and is just more of a background of info for the timeline of Zelda I am creating for this story. A small update will probably add more later.)

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