"And I wouldn't have come if I knew she was going to be around" Sofia said.

"I tried to find Stiles and I led everyone into a mental institution I call that a colossal failure look I just need to figure this out and he's the only one offering help" Lydia said.

"Peter doesn't offer help he offers a chance for you to be manipulated into giving him what he wants" Allison said.

"Fine let's see what he wants" Lydia said. "Lydia your insane this is a terrible idea" Sofia said. "Peter can't get to me as long as I have you" Lydia told Sofia and opened the door.

Peter turned around facing Lydia, Sofia, and Allison. "The hunter, the werewolf, and the banshee ladies come in" Peter said.

"Since when do you tell me to come into my own place" Sofia asked. "Well Derek's but I still live with him" Sofia said.


"She goes" Peter said motioning to Allison. "What about Sofia" Allison asked. "Hey" Sofia said. "Sofia I actually like she's growing on me" Peter said.

"The last time I was alone with you I almost, bled out on a lacrosse field she stays I need all the protection I can get" Lydia said.

"Do you actually think I was trying to kill you when I bit you" Peter asked. "You were my backup plan remember not to mention the bite is what brought out your nascent abilities" Peter said.

"You think power like that was going to come out on its own" Peter asked. "I'm the spark that lit your fire sweetheart" Peter said.

"You attacked her and nearly killed her" Allison said referring to Lydia. "Power doesn't come without a little pain and struggle" Peter said. "I didn't ask for it" Lydia said.

"But you're embracing it now aren't you" Peter asked. "How about the fact that you brainwashed her and used her to bring yourself back to life" Allison said.

"So that I could be here today to help you master your abilities isn't it amazing how things come full circle" Peter said.

"He's insane we're leaving" Allison said taking Lydia's hand while Sofia followed. "You want the truth Lydia" Peter asked and they stopped. "It's not the scream that gives you power all the scream does is help drown out the noise allowing you to hear what you really need to" Peter said.

"I can help you focus your hearing" Peter said in an echo and they turned around. "But you want something in return" Allison said.

"No, I'm dedicating my life to helping out narcissistic teenage girls" Peter said sarcastically. "Of course, I want something in return" Peter said taking the lid off the triskele box pouring the claws out on the table.


"These are the claws of Derek's mother" Allison asked. "My sister Talia before she died, she stole a memory from me it's something only a very powerful alpha can do that memory is locked inside those claws" Peter said.

"Maybe with good reason" Sofia remarked and Peter glared at Sofia.

"Why would your sister want to steal a memory from you" Lydia asked. "Well, if I remembered the memory, I might be able to tell you" Peter said.

Lydia hesitated and Sofia looked at her grabbing her hand causing Lydia to look at her and smile at her. "You don't have to do this" Sofia said. "So, what am I supposed to do" Lydia asked.


"Focus" Peter said. "I am focusing" Lydia said. "You're not I can see the wheels spinning behind your eyes your hearing is attuned to a level of the universe no one else can hear but only if you're listening" Peter said.

"I'm trying" Lydia said. "Try harder" Peter said about to go to her but Allison stopped him with an emitter, and they started arguing when Lydia threw the claws at the wall.

"Stop it" Lydia said and Lydia heard the voices. She started going closer to the claws. "Lydia" Peter said but received no answer.

"Lydia, do you hear something" Peter asked and she got closer. "What is it" Peter asked once again. Lydia passed him reaching at the claws on the wall.

"What are they saying" Peter asked. "Is it the memory" Peter asked. "What did Talia take from me" Peter asked.

"Tell me what she knew" Peter said once Lydia realized what the memory was. She faced him with a shocked expression. "You're not just an uncle" Lydia said surprising Peter.


"I said I don't know" Lydia said backing up with Sofia in front of her getting ready to attack if needed to and Peter kept getting closer.

"I don't know its name if it's a boy or girl or if it's some mutated wolf baby" Lydia said. "You're lying" Peter said.

"Tell me the truth tell me, tell me, tell" Peter said and when Sofia was about to attack Peter Allison used the emitter on him causing him to fall. "She always steals my moments" Sofia said annoyed.

"Now we're leaving" Allison said grabbing Lydia's hand with Sofia following them. "Be gone when Derek or I get back" Sofia said.


Sofia was in the car with Lydia and Allison when they both pulled up pictures on their phones. "I got mine" Allison said. "Did you find yours" Allison asked.

"Yeah" Lydia said, and they lined their phones together and they all looked at the pictures seeing the resemblance.

"Peter and Malia" Allison asked. "Father and daughter" Lydia said, and Sofia got a text. She looked at the text and sighed. "Great my boyfriend is being framed with murder I swear someone is always trying to frame him or kill him at least 95% of the time" Sofia said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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