A Tale of Two AUs - Wikitale/Wikirune

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This is a short story about if my characters were to encounter each other. With that, let's begin!


Taiwo sat in their humbly silent shop. No customers have come in yet and they were left experimenting with their scrolls. They held a paper in their hand before it combusted into embers and fell onto the floor. They sighed, stepping onto the ashes to extinguish them...the spell they wanted to try didn't work. They went back to the large tome, flipping through the pages

"Hmm, teleportation...mind reading...vicious mockery...hideous laughter...Universe travel?" They stopped at a specific page in their book, examining the page.

"No point if you don't try..." They shrugged to themselves before writing the prompt onto the scroll. It glowed a dull white in color, before it flung out of Taiwo's plush hand, rolling in front of them as it suddenly bursts open, revealing a portal that emitted a strong wing.

Pages flew everywhere as they gazed at their creation with astonishment, they touched the portal, yet nothing happened, carefully, they look back in the book, 

"In order to travel the multiverse, you must say where you wish to go with a glyph thrown into the void." Taiwo placed the book back in their hat, a paper suddenly flew to their feet, it read,


"Guess this is the place I should go..." They picked up the paper, tying it neatly before gently tossing it into the fiery threshold before it. 

The Portal suddenly turned red as they gazed through it like a mirror, revealing a muted area that was teal in coloring and withered to exhaustion.

"Not the friendliest place out there...it could be worse though..."

The plush spider entered the portal seamlessly before the portal slowly closed up. They observed the new landscape before them. Among the room were 3 sinks, line up neatly. 

Out of curiosity, Taiwo turned the knobs to a sink. Suddenly, a dark goo flooded out of the sink, forming into a small spider, which it duplicated into 3 before it suddenly formed into an individual akin to them who sat on the rim of the sink.

They looked like a complete copy except for one thing: they were gooey in structure and had no stitches. The face was dark, yet revealed a fanged smile before it blinked open, revealing a bottomless hole where their face would be. Eyes began to pop up from inside this orifice, clumping together into some twisted ommateum. Just on the rim of the orifice, it dripped the same substance, emitting steam from the hole in a breathy whisper.

The amalgamate immediately went upwards towards the ceiling, propelling itself with its sticky, spider-like tentacles, 

"Hey! Wait up!" The plushie chased after their gooey duplicate, who swung with the arms on the ceiling, occasionally looking back. It cut a corner into a random room, with Taiwo following in hot pursuit.

The room was expansive, yet there was a peculiar machine at the back. they carefully approached this generator, until they heard a whisper at the door. 

They rapidly turned, seeing the amalgamate at the door, yet not running away this time. It lowered down, slowly approaching in an oddly creepy slither as it writhed with every step. Taiwo slowly backed up defensively, their fur sticking upwards like a cat. 

Taiwo scrawled something on their scroll, A crimson bubble formed around them before it began to quickly fade, "Huh? That wasn't supposed to happen..."

They looked up at the creature before it. Who continued their stalkerish approach, their eye forming a smug smile. 

"God damn you..." They muttered, but couldn't think of something to write. The amalgamated whispered something, to which Taiwo took out a phone.

Something new...

Oddly enough, Taiwo simply calmed down, "Let me guess, you're me...correct?" 

It nodded slightly, the phone emitted static again, 


"Ah, seeing how we look similar, I assume that."

"Now...what's with you?"

Call me Spectaro, I was initially startled by you suddenly coming here. Yet considering you have that, I thought maybe, you can give me...something?

The floor beamed lightly, "Well...you should've just asked. What do you want?"

Two things...

Taiwo listed to the request, the paper charred and turned into a few items, that of which were two drinks, and a keychain. They offered Spectaro the purple drink, which it asked, 

What's this?

"Boba tea. You didn't try some?"

Well no, but only because I don't think we have it down here.

"...Bạn chưa từng thử trà sữa trân châu? (You haven't tried bubble tea before?)" Taiwo said concerned,

No, unfortunately...but which flavor is this?

"Taro milk tea, Mine is Brown Sugar. I'll drink mine's in a bit." 

Spectaro took a sip of the drink, not bothering to chew the tapioca due to their gaping maw. Taiwo followed suit.

It's good, I just don't like the pearls...

"You're supposed to chew them..."

My point still applies.

Moments later, they hear the elevator descend, both of then quickly shifted from calm to panicking.

Taiwo gave Spectaro the keychain, "Here, take this, keep it safe. It's to go above this facility."

Spectaro smiled deviously, 

Noted, I'll make sure to keep them.

Taiwo wrote the same spell as last time in a scroll, returning back to Wikirune, "Farewell, Spec! Make sure you don't lose those keys!"

Taiwo entered the portal and it closed up. Sudden a person appeared at the doorway of the Generator room.

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