the swing of life

Start from the beginning

You pick up the broken arm from underneath the shaded lenses. You twirl it absent-mindedly in your fingers. California sighs, walking over to the armchair.

"Why'd you even pick those up?" She mumbles, slinking down in the chair. "Personally, I wouldn't be taking souvenirs from events like that one..."

"I don't know... They were stuck in the leaves of the plant, I think. I just picked them up." You glance down at the broken hinge. It really wasn't that broken-looking, only that the screw had managed to come loose causing the arm to separate from the rest of the frame.

You stand to your feet. With a quiet yawn, you pull your jacket on. You leave the front undone and slip the glasses and the broken arm into one of your pockets. California rises to her feet shortly after.

"Will you be okay?"

"I'll be fine..." You shove your hand into the empty pocket, "It's not like he's managed to kill me yet."

"I guess not..." You smile at her as she turns to her human appearance, "Let's get going."

Quietly you follow her out of the hotel room. California swings her bag over her shoulder as you step out into the long hallway. It was empty. Devoid of any sort of life, like the desolate crush of winter had settled into the bones of the hotel's inhabitants overnight. It probably had, now that you think about it. It was getting to be quite cold last night, and you were pretty sure it was snowing when California dragged you off to this hotel last night. It was also very early, for a normal person anyway.

You walk down the long hall, lacing your hands together behind you. Your feet jut out awkwardly in front of you, as though you were marching instead of walking. Absentmindedly, you stare at the walls of the building. At least these walls had some tone, instead of the office building white you had become accustomed to. There was also the odd painting hung on the cream walls, most of which were held in intricate framing.

The stairs were still very much similar to America's office, however. No one seems to like stairs very much around here. They were at least the same cream colour as the rest of the building and seemed to lack the mould that was growing in the other stairway from neglect. No, this building was much more peaceful. More like going home than walking into a void. You suppose that is to be expected. These buildings serve entirely different purposes, catering to different goals within a person's life.

You let out a sigh as you step into the lobby. You had hardly started your day and here you were, wanting to go back to sleep. It wasn't like you to be so drained after walking a few flights of stairs. Not like you've really been keeping up with your exercise ever since you ended up in Roling. It's also just been an long few days. That definitely played a hand in how absolutely bagged you were feeling. You really just needed a power nap. One that lasted a few weeks preferably.

California swings her bag to her side as she pushes open the door leading to outside. Even standing a few feet behind her you got hit with a freezing burst of air. Did you really have to go outside in that?

With a mumble, you step out into the cold outdoors. A shiver rakes through your body, immediately freezing you to your core. Well, it's definitely winter now.

"What? Cold?"

"Yeah?" You stare at the state incredulously, "Aren't you? You're literally California. Don't you have nothing but warm weather there?"

"Don't say that so loudly!"

"Sorry..." She sighs at your apology and continues to walk down the street. You quickly chase after, meeting her at her side.

"Yeah... I may not be as tolerant of the cold as some other states..." She stares off into the deep blue horizon of the city, "But it's not like I'm going to be knocked out of commission by a little bit of snow. I'm not that much of a pushover."

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