Chapter 1 : A Red Tanuki

Start from the beginning

"Then you must be quite talented with your Mobile Suit skills. It's impressive that you were able to achieve your goals ahead of schedule. I'm sure your Fiancee is proud of you."

She heard that and let out an audible gasp of surprise, jerking the hover scooter in the wrong direction, whereupon she slipped and fell. She held her head in pain as you hopped off your hover scooter and ran to help her.

"Are you okay?" you asked, offering a hand to help her up. She smiled weakly and nodded, still a bit shaken from the unexpected compliment.

"Y-Yeah... thanks." She stood up and walked slowly back towards her hover scooter as you followed suit.

"So, are we still going to the hangar?" you asked, trying to lighten the mood. She chuckled and nodded, grateful for the distraction. As you both got back on your hover scooters, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that she wasn't seriously hurt.

As the wind whipped your hair, you couldn't help but think about what would happen in the course of your stay in Asticassia with a mix of uncertainty and slight excitement. After all, Carys said you could make some new friends here and explore an environment that was completely different from what you were used to.

After a couple minutes or so, you and Suletta have finally arrived in Asticassia's main hangar. Hopping off your hover scooter, you and Suletta went inside, as It was rather quiet, seeing that the only Mobile Suit inside was yours, The Unicorn, on the corner of the hangar. You and Suletta walked closer to your Mobile suit. A pure white horned mobil suit, it gleamed under the hangar lights. Suletta let out a small gasp of admiration as she took in the sight of the impressive machine. Its sleek design and powerful presence were a stark contrast to the other Mobile Suits she had seen before. The Unicorn seemed almost ethereal, like a mythical creature brought to life.

"T-this is your Mobile suit..?" Suletta stammered, her eyes wide with awe. "It's... breathtaking. I've never seen anything like it."

"Thank you... I'm glad you think so. It's still a prototype mobile suit. And to be honest, I never thought I would be the one to pilot it. But I'm honored to have the opportunity to do so."

"S-so... what made you come to Asticassia if i may ask?"

"To put it simply, I was interested."

"I-interested?" Suletta repeated, her curiosity evident in her voice.

You then showed her a video on your phone as Suletta looked closer to inspect it. The video played as a promotional video for Gund-Arm Inc, with Suletta dancing with a badly green screened Aerial. In the video, Suletta then muttered the words, "It's safe... to pilot! It's reliable... to use! It can fly! It can dance! Aerial...!"

Suletta's mouth was left agape as she slightly blushed at your unexpected display of interest.

"Before you say anything, this is what I'm interested in." you said, pointing at the Gund-Arm Inc. logo.

"Ehh!!!" Suletta exclaimed in surprise, her eyes widening as she took a step back. She quickly regained her composure and asked, "Y-you're interested in Gund-Arm Inc?!"

"Yeah. I want to know everything there is to know about what you do with the GUND format. If that is okay with you, that is..."

"Hm.... I have to consult with Miorine for that. B-but don't worry! it'll be a quick decision, I promise, and I'll do my best to get you on the team!"

"Thank you so much, Suletta... Well... I guess you'll be off to find Miorine now?" You asked with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah! Hope to see you soon (Y/N)" Suletta replied with a smile. "I'll let you know as soon as I have an answer from Miorine. Take care!" Suletta then rides of on her hover scooter as you stand in the hangar, looking back at the Unicorn. Solemnly smiling to yourself, you couldn't help but feel a mix of uncertainty and hopefulness. The opportunity to join the team was within reach, and you couldn't wait to hear Suletta's response from Miorine. As you watched Suletta disappear into the distance, you took a deep breath as you suddenly heard your phone ring, the loud ringtone echoing through the hangar as it broke the silence. Hastily pulling it out of your pocket, it was a number that was familiar to you. It was Carys; why was she calling you this early? You thought to yourself, and you decided to open the call as her voice filled your ears.

"Hey, hey, hey kid! How ya doin?" Her familiar cheery voice came through the phone, instantly putting a smile on your face. You couldn't help but wonder what could be so urgent for Carys to call you at this hour.

"Hey, so... why are you calling me this early? I haven't been here for a day or two... "You said to her , curious about the reason behind her unexpected call. Carys chuckled softly before responding, "Well, I'm just checking on my old little buddy, ya'know? Isn't that too much to ask?"

"U-uh... no?" you stammered, caught off guard by her response. "I mean, of course not. It's just unusual for you to call so early in the morning."

"Pah! Naw... hey, how's school doing for ya kid?" Carys asked, changing the subject. "Got a girl to your liking? Got any new friends?"

You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Well, I've got a new friend... and it's a girl.."

"Aww... look at you! Getting a lady friend on your first day at school." Carys chuckled, her voice filled with amusement. "Well, aren't you a charmer? So, any news on the Mobile Suits?"

You shook your head and said, "No, not yet. But one was willing to show me if I got into their organization."

"Hmm hmm. Okay, good. So what was said organization err... company, as I should say."

"The GUND-Arm company, Miorine's."

"Woah, the Rembran herself? That's quite a nice connection to have on the first day of school. So you in yet?'

"No. Not yet, at least. I'm waiting on Suletta for my confirmation."

"Well... hope you'll get the green light, kid. g'luck with your mission!"

"Yeah, good luck with the testing too. Bye."

"Bye bye!" Carys cheerfully says through the phone as she makes some kissing noises before you end the call.

You sighed and hopped on your hover scooter to return to Asticassia. You gave a small smile at the unicorn, grateful for the distraction from the anxiety of waiting for Suletta's confirmation. You then went off to Asticassia to have some leisure time and maybe look around a little bit more to wait for your confirmation. But more or less, this is it. You have completed the first step of your mission. Now what will be next?

(AN: HOREE SHIEEET. damn, took a while for me to do shit eh? Well.... i hope i do more shit to the fics lmao)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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