Optimus Prime x Female Reader

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This happens after the Bumblebee movie when Optimus is arriving on earth

Once Optimus arrived on Earth, he knew that this strange new planet would become the battleground for the Cybertron War. He needed to find a base where his team could regroup and plan their next move.

As he scouted the area, Optimus stumbled upon a small human settlement. It was there where he met (Y/N), a young girl who had lost her parents in a tragic accident. She was alone and scared, but Optimus could see the bravery and determination in her eyes.

Optimus took you under his wing and became your guardian. He taught you about Cybertron and the war that was raging across the universe. you, in return, taught Optimus about Earth and the beauty of its landscapes.

As the days passed, Optimus and you grew closer. Despite the danger that surrounded you two, Optimus found solace in your company. you reminded him of the innocence and purity that he was fighting to protect.

One night, as you two sat next to each other observing the stars, you asked Optimus if he thought the war would ever come to an end. Optimus looked at you with a heavy heart and said," I do not know. But I promise you this, (Y/N), no matter what happens, I will always protect you and keep you safe."

you smiled at Optimus and placed your hand on his giant metal servo. At that moment, you both knew that the bond you shared would never be broken.

As the war raged on, Optimus and (Y/N) continued to fight for what they believed in. However, they also learned that sometimes the greatest victories lie not in battles won, but in the relationships we cultivate along the way.

294 words

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