-Just a bad dream- Holoform!Optimus x Female Reader

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A.N- Optimus is either your friend or guardian in the shorts

(Y/N)= Your Name

(Y/D)= Your Designation


(Y/N) lay there, her heart racing and her mind reeling from the terrible dream that had woken her up. She knew she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep on her own, so she sat up, pulling a blanket around her shoulders. That's when Optimus came in, his tall figure looming in the doorway.

"What's the matter?" he asked softly, concern etched on his face.

"I had a bad dream," you admitted, feeling foolish but unable to shake off the fear that lingered.

Without a word, Optimus walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed." Come here," he said, holding out his arms." Sleep with me."

you hesitated for a moment, but then eventually climbed into bed next to him, curling up against his chest. It was warm and sturdy, and you felt the tension in your body start to ease as Optimus wrapped his arm around you.

"Don't worry it was just a dream, and just know that I will always be there for you no matter what Little one "he said

you smiled despite yourself, feeling grateful for the comfort and compassion that the great Autobot leader was showing you.  snuggling closer, feeling safe and protected in his embrace.

" Thank you," you whispered, already feeling yourself drifting off to sleep." I don't think I could have done this without you."

Optimus just held you close, his steady heartbeat echoing in your ear as you fell into a peaceful slumber at last.

240 words

Sorry that it's short but hope you liked it!

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