Girl of my dreams

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"What?"I said
"Relax it was a joke u should of seen ur face" he said between his laughing
"Yeah it better u wished I would kiss u" i said
"So what if I did ur my lover after all" he said while winking
"Shut up" I said while slapping him playfully

"It may be weird but can I ask for advice?" He said

"Uhm yeah sure.." I said

"Okay so imagine you being inlove with someone but knowing 99,9% sure that they don't like u back so u stared dating this boy in my case girl ofc but u stared dating to distract urself form this other girl what would u do?
He asked

"Hard dilemma i think I would just admit my feeling even tho it's hard it's better because then u know if she likes u back and if she doesn't u can atleast move on" I said while being annoyed at the inside because I didn't want to know witch girl he loves because I know it's not me but that's okay I'm not inlove with him.. I think..

"Thank you love I'm gonna use this" he said

"No problem love" I said while rolling my eyes

Then we saw Lucy and Pablo walking in while making out..

"Good to see u too guys" Pedri said
And that's when they realized they where just "caught" while making out

I saw Lucy blushing and Pablo was embarrassed

"Okay love birds I'll let you guys be then" I said while walking out of the changing rooms

When I walked out I bumped in to someone none other than joão Felix

"Lo siento linda " he said
"It's fine" I said

"Really I think I should make it up to you" he said

"It's fine" I said annoyed

"No it isn't please just let me make it up to you" he said

"Fine " I said annoyed "how are you gonna make it up to me ?" I asked

"Like this.." he said and then.. he kissed me and idk why but I kissed back

That's when I saw pedri walking out In the corner of my eyes

And that's when I realized what I was doing

POV: Pedri
After soph left I decided to break-up with Samantha even though I said I would wait a day I just felt too bad and maybe if I broke up with her I could make a move with soph
I decided to call her
"Heyy baby " Samantha said when she picked up
"Hey, I have to tel u something" I Said
"Oh okay what baby?" She said
"I'm sorry but I want to break up with you" I said
"Why baby please no" she said
"I'm sorry your a perfect girl a girl u could dream off but ur just not the girl of my dreams" I said
"Oh" she said
"I'm sorry " I said
"It's okay I guess" she said sadly
"I have to hang up sorry " I said
"It's okay bye" she said
"Bye " I said
I decided to find soph to tell her I broke up with sam but when I walked out of the changing rooms I saw her kissing joão I felt my blood boiling I think she saw me because she pushed joão away and ran
I followed her but I lost her , I decided to keep looking and finally I found her

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked her

"He was my first kiss and even though I kissed him back I didn't want my first kiss to be like this" She said clearly upset

"You know I think that if u don't want to be kissed it doesn't count as a first kiss" I said while comforting her

"Yeah maybe ur right.... Thank you" she said

" it's no problem love " I said while winking

"There we go again we we're having such a good moment and u ruiend it bravo" she said while rolling her eyes

"It's okay hermosa I know u still love me" I said

"Yeah in ur dreams" she said while smiling

"I'll just pretend I didn't hear that " I say while sarcastically smiling

"Oh and btw I broke up with Samantha.." I said

"Oh did she react good?" She asked me

"Yeah she was pretty nice about it" I said "know I only have to impress my real crush" I said

"Okay then do it " she said

"But I'm not good with words" I said while sighting

"Then just kiss her or something " she said

"But what if she doesn't want to kiss me just like u with joão?" I asked

"Who wouldn't want to kis Pedro Gonzalez?" She said sarcastically while rolling her eyes

And that's when I did it..
I kissed her..


Oeh cliffhanger again , are you guys enjoying the story pleaseee let me know it wil help me a lot while writing
Have good day/night

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