Celine raised an eyebrow, curious about the sudden interest in her love life. "Me? What about me?" she wondered aloud.

Q and Kitty exchanged a knowing glance before they both smiled at each other. "How are things going with Minho?" Q asked, playfully nudging his friend.

Celine's cheeks flushed slightly, and she looked down for a moment. "Well, nothing has changed much, I guess," she replied, trying to keep her response casual.

Celine chuckled, appreciating Kitty's enthusiasm. "Oh really? Certified matchmaker now, huh?" she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Q joined in, adding to the banter. "You better listen to Kitty, Celine. She's got a track record of successful matchmaking, you know. Especially since me and Florian."

Celine couldn't help but smile at their lighthearted teasing. She knew their intentions were pure, and she valued their friendship and support. "Well, if you two are offering your matchmaking services, maybe I should take you up on that," she replied, playing along.

Kitty nodded eagerly. "You got it! Consider us your love consultants," she declared with a dramatic flourish of her hand.

As they continued their walk to class, Celine felt a renewed sense of excitement. Having Q and Kitty in her corner, cheering her on in matters of the heart, made her realize that no matter what the future held, she had a strong support system by her side. And who knows, perhaps their playful matchmaking efforts would lead to something special with Minho.

"Look," Kitty said, showing them the email she had received. Q, still sipping his coffee, replied with a nonchalant comment, "Huh, I can't even pretend to read Hangul until I finish this coffee." 

Meanwhile, Celine took the phone from Kitty and began reading the email. Q and Kitty had already filled her in on the situation with Alex, and she knew it was a significant development.

"It says they don't release information about private adoptions," Celine relayed, her voice tinged with frustration. Kitty let out a hiss of disappointment. "Which, at this point, is the only thing I know how to read in Korean," she sighed.

"Well, you didn't expect them to willingly give you the information, did you?" Celine stated matter-of-factly, discarding the candy package into the trash. "Ugh, can we drop this Alex thing? Let's go back to talking about you and Dae or Minho and Celine," Q pleaded, wanting to shift the conversation away from the emotional topic.

"It's not just an 'Alex thing'! I know in my gut that Alex is my brother," Kitty exclaimed, her determination shining through. Celine understood Kitty's conviction but felt it necessary to offer another perspective.

"Okay, but maybe you should talk to your confirmed siblings about this," Celine suggested gently. Kitty looked at both of them, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. "Yes, I want to, but I can't."Q's curiosity got the best of him. "Why not?" he wondered.

Kitty hesitated for a moment before responding. "Alex needs to know first," she explained, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and a desire to protect." You gotta rip the band off" Q said, " Yeah and most of the school is gonna be gone for Chuseok so this is the perfect chance to corner him." Celine added. " Yeah, you're right." Kitty approved.

" In the meantime we're late," Q said looking at his phone." Like super late?" Celine asked." Oh my God Professor Lee is gonna kill me." Kitty bawled. " I know"

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