7. The quest

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Notes: Sorry I didn't upload over the weekend! I was at a larp with my friends and we had such a great time! (I even made a friend who likes Ninjago as well!) But yeah, here ya go with the new chapter!

Words: 1627

"But isn't that your job? As an archeologist? To, you know, explore and go on dangerous quests?" Gayle interviewed. "Technically, yes. What's your point?" Powers answered. "Well, someone has to go inside." Gayle answered. The ninja were now looking at each other. "It would take a ninja to survive what's in there! Do I look like a ninja?" Clutch asked, annoyed. "No..." Gayle answered. "Point made." Clutch said and walked off camera. "That's it! That's our quest!" Cole yelled. "I'll pack my bag!" Nya yelled excitedly. "Sunscreen! Bring lots of sunscreen!" Jay reminded. They all looked so excited, it made me giggle. "Oh, this is gonna be so much fun!" Kai celebrated. "We have to go pack immediately!" Zane yelled out in excitement. Everyone else stood up and ran out of the living room, except Lloyd. He looked at me, with a guilty look. "What is it Lloyd? Why aren't you gonna go packing?" I asked him. "I promised to protect you. I can't do it, if I'm not here." He answered. I sighed and closed the TV. "Don't worry, Lloyd. I'll be safe here in the monastery. Wu, Pixal and all the new fancy protection devices will keep me safe. Besides, you have waited for this for so long. Go!" I reassured him. "So you're fine with me going?" He asked. I nodded with a smile. An excited look spread on his face. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best girlfriend ever!" He said excitedly, kissed me on the cheek and ran out. I guess I'm his first AND best girlfriend ever. I giggled at his excitement and watched the TV a little more.

"Has anyone seen my sunscreen!" Cole yelled, waking me up from my slumber. "No!" I heard the other's yell. Ugh what time is it... It's way too early to be awake. I checked my phone. 6.04 am. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I turned to my other side and closed my eyes again. "Hey, is that my Starfare comic?" I heard Lloyd ask, right behind my door. "You lent it to me, remember!" Kai argued back. "Yeah, like a year ago!" Lloyd answered. "Ugh... take it." Kai said, defeated. I turned around again. "Anyone have room for my travel pillow?" I heard Jay yell distantly. "No!" the ninja yelled in unison. Sigh... I decided to give up and just get out of bed. I got dressed and walked to the dining room. I'm so tired... I walked along the hallways, dodging all the stuff that was spreaded across the floors. "Good morning Harumi!" Zane said cheerfully as he walked past me. I groaned as a response. I'm not a morning person. Or a "6am person".

After I ate my breakfast I decided to use my morning to watch some cartoons, or whatever the TV is showing right now. I had just sat on the couch, as I heard steps behind me. It was the whole team plus Pixal and Wu. I looked at them confused, but the ninja looked just as confused. Lloyd smiled at me though. Then Pixal threw three shurikens to the dart board. The board lifted up and revealed a red button. What in the? Pixal walked up to the button and pressed it. The floor under the TV opened and the TV dropped down. "Hey I was-" I tried to yell, but I was interrupted by the whole back wall opening. Behind it was an elevator that looked REALLY high tech. I was shocked. "Wow!" Nya exclaimed. The ninja got into the elevator. "I can give you a private tour later if you want to, Harumi." Pixal said to me. I was so shocked, all that I could do was nod. The rest of the day was just me training, but me and Val decided that we would go to a cafe tomorrow. I can't wait to spill all the details about the date to her!

The next day Pixal showed me the secret layer. It was amazing! It was a huge cave that was filled with cool stuff like the Bounty, the Samurai X suit and a supervision station! It was Pixal's new "Samurai X cave". Pixal drove me to Ninjago City with a cool car. She dropped me off at Claire's, where Val was waiting outside the cafe. We took a cute table by the window. I ordered a cappuccino and some mochi and Val ordered a latte and a couple of doughnuts. "So..." Val started. "Did you two fuck?" She asked. "Val!" I yelled at her, slapping her hand. "Not so loud!" I ordered her. "Sorry! But did you?" She asked, more quietly. I sighed. "No, obviously. We've been together for two days now." I answered her. "So?" She chuckled. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Okay, okay... So my bestie is now officially famous, before me?" She asked. I chuckled. "If you define this as fame." I chuckled. "Totally! Does Lloyd have any social media? No he doesn't need any, when the paparazzis get the hang of this!" Val explained excitedly. I just chuckled at her excitement. "So what do you say, is that Kai guy... Ya know... Up for grabs?" She asked. I couldn't help myself. I bursted out laughing. "Kai?" I said between my laughs. "You do not want Kai!" I laughed. "Why, what's wrong with him?" Val asked, confused. "Well, he's kind of a player. Also he has this on-off thing with Skylor." I explained as I calmed down from my burst of laughter. "Oh yeah, not making that mistake again..." Val responded. "Yeah Ollie was one too much." I chuckled. Me and Val also went shopping for a while, and decided that I would come visit her family tomorrow. Ishani had asked that I take some off-days anyway.

The next day I went over to Val's for brunch. It was so nice to see Diego and Maria again. Maria hugged me so tightly, I felt my heartbeat in my eyes. Sadly Ton was working today, so I couldn't catch up with her. I had just bitten into one of Maria's delicious magdalena's when there was a huge thud. "What was that?" Val asked. We all looked outside the kitchen window. Chills went down my spine. The snakes... from my dream? The fiery snakes from my dream! A whole new emotion filled my body. It was a mix of deja vu, terror and... meaningfulness. "Shit! We need to go." Diego said and started to gather stuff. "Where! Ton isn't here and my mothers are on a trip!" Maria yelled at Diego. I shook my head and tried to ignore the weird new emotion I was feeling. I just tried to think of an escape plan. "The monastery!" I realized. "We can go to the monastery!" I repeated. "Are you sure?" Maria asked. "Yes, yes I am! You'll be safe there!" I convinced them. Diego and Maria exchanged looks and nodded. Diego grabbed some bags from the closet and we left. As we got out of their house, the streets were roaming with fire snakes. "What the-" Val started. "There's no time! Follow me!" I interrupted her. I rolled my way down the street to a secret spare garage of the ninja. I think there was a car there that could fit us all.

I found the garage and luckily there was a car that would fit us all. "In!" I ordered. I jumped onto the driver's seat, ditching my wheelchair. "Should you even drive?" Val asked. "Sure, why not!" I answered and pushed the gas pedal. The tires screeched and we drove out of the city. It was a couple hour drive, but I was going at least 150 km/h. When we finally got to the monastery, I drove us into the secret layer. I jumped out of the car and almost ran! I had to tell Wu! We all got into the elevator and I searched the whole monastery for Wu, but I couldn't find him. I did find Pixal. "Pixal!" I yelled at her. "What is it Harumi? Is something wrong?" She asked. "The... city... fire snakes..." I panted. "I am sorry, could you repeat, I did not quite catch that." Pixal asked. "The city is being attacked by big fire snakes and the ninja are nowhere to be seen!" Val yelled out. "Exactly..." I panted. "Oh no. You must find Wu and tell him this immediately." Pixal said. "I couldn't... find him..." I said. "He told me he was going to meditate. I am going to leave for a rescue mission for the ninja." Pixal answered. "I'm coming with you." I said. "That would be irresponsible of me. You haven't recovered enough to take part in a high-stake rescue mission like this. We do not know what is waiting for us." Pixal answered. "She's right, honey. You're still recovering." Maria added. "No, I want to come with you. I need to know if Lloyd is okay!" I demanded. "I'm afraid that would be very irresponsible." Pixal answered. "Please! I'm begging you!" I pleaded. Pixal was quiet. "Fine, but you will stay in the helicopter." Pixal yielded. "You, go tell Wu." Pixal ordered Val and her parents. Pixal then grabbed me and started to carry me. "Hey!" I yelped. "Your heart rate is elevated. The most logical explanation is that you are tired from running. So I will carry you." She answered as she ran into the living room. I just huffed as an answer.

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