1. The monastery

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Notes: First chapter is here! Enjoy!

Words: 1526

Lloyd's POV

I picked up a piece of wood off the temple floor. I was numb. "Ugh we saved Ninjago. Can't we get a day off!" Cole whined. I ignored him. I was actually ignoring everyone. The other's were celebrating, because I had defeated my father and we had saved Ninjago, but... I lost Harumi. I lost her. For forever. The pain felt like a shard of glass in my heart. Or more like my heart was in million pieces. "We helped break it, we help rebuild it." Nya answered Cole. "Ninja! Trouble!" Master Wu yelled as he ran inside the temple. I don't think I can do this. "Come quick!" He yelled at us "Already?" Kai asked. "I'm still sore from our last adventure!" Jay said. Wu turned around and ran out. We all dropped our cleaning supplies and put on our hoods. We ran after Wu, but as we got outside of the palace, there were people... Lots of people. There was a band playing and everyone was cheering. The commissioner walked up to us. "I already thanked you, but the people want to thank you as well." He smiled at us. I looked around the crowd, and secretly hoped that Harumi would have been there. All the elemental masters, Pixal, Dareth, but not her. The band started to play a rock song. Pixal and Skylor joined us on the temple stairs. Everyone was so happy and relieved. I didn't fit in. I put on my best fake smile and waved at the crowd. Then I saw Wu, who was standing in the crowd.

He looked me deeply in the eyes and then started to walk away. He wanted to talk to me. I left to follow him. I saw him climb up to a roof, so I followed him. The night sky was decorated with thousands of fireworks. Then I saw the Firstbourne, who Wu was petting. I walked up to him slowly, trying not to scare the humongous dragon. I didn't really understand why Wu wanted to talk to me. "The dragons must leave. This isn't their realm. But she'll come back, when it is time. Right now, they need to go home." Wu explained. He pressed his head against the dragon's muzzle. "Thank you, my friend." He said to the dragon. I came closer, in order to pet her. She didn't even flinch when I touched her. "Why did you want to talk to me?" I finally asked. Wu went quiet. "Lloyd... I know you're hurt about Harumi's passing." He started. I scoffed. "Yeah, hurt covers it..." I said quietly. Wu had a pause. I lifted my head and looked him in the eyes. "What if... there was a way of..." He hesitated. He isn't... Is there... Could I... "Are you saying there is a way to bring her back!" I asked, excitedly. "Well... It would be a difficult journey. More difficult than what you have experienced yet, but yes. There is a way to bring her back." He answered. "Wu, are you serious? I don't need any false hope, it will only make it worse." I asked him for reassurance. He nodded. I don't care how difficult it will be. I will bring her back.

Harumi's POV/ Normal POV

I woke up with sunlight right in my eyes. Ugh... Where is it coming from? Did I forget to close my blinds? I really don't want to open my eyes and get up to close them. And what is that goddamn beeping noise! Can't people sleep in anymore! And my head is killing me! I had the weirdest dreams, like I was awake but not awake. Ugh fine, I'll get up! I opened my eyes- Where the hell am I? I looked around in panic. I was in a big bed in a big room, with a window, that the sunlight shone from. Everything seemed normal about the room, until I turned my gaze to my left side. There was a huge monitor next to me, which showed my heart beat. Then I looked down, onto my arm. There was a cannula on my left arm. But my right arm... What the fuck is going on. My right arm was... a machine?! There was a metallic prosthesis on my right arm. Then I realized that I had a nasal cannula and my hair was at least 5 centimeters longer. What is going on? I paniced. I had a little desk on the right side of my bed. There was a book. A notebook. I tried to grab it, but my arm was weak and it had a fucking prothesis on it that I didn't know how to use. After a little struggle I managed to swipe it off the desk and grab it with my left arm. It was a little difficult, but I managed to open the notebook. "For Harumi" It read on the first page. I flipped to the next page.

"Day 1. It has been one day since I heard about the cure. You have been gone for two days. Master Wu says it's going to be dangerous, but I don't care. I will bring you back. I am writing a journal for you, for when you wake up, you'll have something. So if you're reading this Harumi, consider this your guide. Right now you are held in Ninjago City's hospital. Zane froze you. I will be leaving for the cure as soon as possible. I need you, Harumi. I'm going to make the first entry short, so I'll see you next time." I was in shock as I read it. I... died? What the hell is happening. I continued to read.

"Day 4. I am now ready to leave for the cure. It's a flower that grows on the top of a high mountain. The flower blooms only once every three years, so I guess we got pretty lucky. Pixal and Nya started to work on your prosthetic arm today. We are feeling hopeful, let's hope it stays that way. I miss you Harumi, every single day. But I am not giving up on you. I will get the cure, even if it kills me. At least then I would be with you. That's all I want. I will be leaving tomorrow morning with the team. I miss you."

"Day 24. It took us almost a month, but we got it! We got the cure! While we were gone the temple got renovated, so we'll be moving back there. It's not done yet, but it's livable. I gave the cure to Wu, and he's going to brew a tea out of it. I really hope this works. No, I know it will work. It has to. Almost all of us got frostbite on that freezing mountain. The journey was difficult, but losing you was more difficult. The whole team is tired now, but I won't rest. I won't rest until you are back here with me. I miss you so much Harumi. I miss your smile, I miss your sarcasm. Please come back to me, please."

"Day 25. Wu is done with the tea. Now comes the moment of truth. Kai melted Zane's ice. We're going to try the tea now. Please come back to us Harumi, I need you.

It worked! You have a heartbeat! And you are breathing! You're alive! You're back! We gave you a cannula for your nutrition and a nasal cannula for supplemental oxygen. Now, you're in a coma, but you're back and that's what matters! I'm not going to leave your side now. Not ever. Not like I left you alone in the warehouse. I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry Harumi. I hope you'll be able to forgive me. I miss you. Everyday."

I read through the book in shock. As the pages passed, the more in shock I was. I died, but Lloyd brought me back to life. How? How is that possible?

"Day 32. We successfully moved into the temple. It's just how I remembered it. The renovations look good. I wish you could see it already. We gave you your own room and one of the monks, who work here, agreed to be your 'nurse'. Still I will be sitting alongside you every hour of every day. I miss you Harumi, but we are closer now. I could read a book to you, I wonder what you like? We never got to talk about that. Your friend Val would know, but I don't know how to contact her. I'll figure something out."

"Day 97. It's been almost 100 days since you passed. It's weird to think that you've been gone for so long. Cole, Pixal and Zane are going to some ceremony today. The city is gifting us something for defeating Garmadon, I guess. I have to go see my father today in the kryptarium prison. When I captured him, he said something like 'they will come', so I have to get reassurance on who 'they' are. I have to stay tough, I can't let him fool me anymore. I'm done being the fool."

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