Student TEa

35 7 22

So bullying doesnt really exist at private schools because we are all so well behaved

thats bullshit, there is so much bullying but its just kept underneath the radar.

A girl in ninth grade was relentlessly bullied about her sister committing su!cide that she moved schools

My friend was getting bullied, getting death threats, shoved down stairs, and yet the school did nothing to stop it, she literally moved schools, but *im putting MS as my school bc im lazy* Ms denied her form to leave causing her not to be accepted into any other schools, leaving her only option being returning back to MS

A girl below me was being bullied, a boy was slapping her ass, touching her arms and neck, trying to kiss her, read her diary to a bunch of people.

she reported him to the office but they didnt do anything because he was a promising young boy.

She is now terrified of him and he keeps harassing her and im trying to  get him to stop but I cant.

¨we do everything in our power to stop bullying¨


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