"Well, we gotta try something!"

"Try hitting it, maybe that will work!"


"Oh sorry, I thought we were listing ideas for how we are gonna get him back  in the fight." Fives retorted as the droids closed in on their position. A tank had managed to get a lucky shot off at Chief while he was busy with the last few droids between him and Blue Team. It was honestly a miracle that he had not been ripped to pieces. As both Midas and Gears tried to figure out what was wrong with their team leader, the armoured hand began to twitch. Shooting up from his motionless state, Chief was back in action. "Status update?"

"Chief! You're back! Listen, you got knocked out by a tank, you should probably take it slow." Midas announced, surprised by the spartan's ability to just shrug off a tank round. "Negative, what is the enemy force looking like right now?"

"You managed to take out the majority of their infantry forces but there are still around three dozen tanks moving towards us. EOD have detonated their last explosives and have taken out only around four tanks." Gears answered as a tank round flew over his head. Looking at the decimated machine gun, Chief dropped it to the ground and detached the battery pack. Pulling out his pistol and a grenade, the warrior rushed towards the tank formation.

As his shields started regenerating, a yellow glow encompassed Chief as he received more incoming laser fire from the last remaining B1 battle droids. Firing his thrusters, Chief jumped on top of the closest CIS tank and pried open the hatch. As the tank driver looked up at the new opening, it only saw the barrel of a blaster pistol before its visual receptors shut off.

Tossing the grenade into the tank, Chief quickly jumped off as the entire vehicle ignited in a large ball of fire and debris. Unfortunately for Chief, more battle droids had already started surrounding him. "Surrender, we got you completely surrounded." The B1 commander spoke in his robotic voice.

"I don't think so." Blasting the commander's head off with his pistol while drawing his assault rifle with the other hand. As the clones watched from cover, they realised that Chief wasn't holding back anymore and that all bets were off. Tearing through the surrounding forces and striking so much fear into the reinforcements that the droids started to flee to take cover behind the tanks.

"One one seven, this is Admiral Yularen. I am happy to inform you that the initial assault on the main complex has been completed and there are reinforcements available to send to your location."

"Static, radio the Resolute and tell them that were are in desperate need of air support!" Chief practically yelled over the comms. "Resolute, this is Blue Team, requesting immediate heavy air support, danger close. I repeat, heavy air support on our location, danger close."

"Copy that Blue Team, Y-wings are inbound with proton torpedoes, what should they be aiming for?" Static chuckled lightly at the question. "Just aim at the large pillar of smoke and fire coming from the canyon. There are 3 dozen tanks that are lined up within the canyon."

"Copy that, fire at the large pillar of smoke and flames. I'll relay that to the pilots." As the line went dead, Y-wings could be spotted on a direct bearing towards the canyon. "One one seven to all Blue Team members, get to the caves! We have ordinance coming in hot and not enough time to get clear of the blast zone."

Like a wave of new energy, the clones sprinted for the tunnel entrance as Chief held back the oncoming droids with both assault rifle and pistol. Once everyone was in, the bombs had already started dropping. Holstering his weapons, Chief sprinted for the tunnel after ripping a large piece of armour from one of the destroyed tanks. Making it just in time, 117 dug the armour plate into the tunnel floor as the blast of proton bombs started entering the cave.

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