Come and Get It

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"Good morning, momma."

"Good morning, girls. Have you seen Kyoko at all?"

"Eh? She's not here?"

"It seems not. I don't know where she is."


That was not the news any of them had expected to get this morning. That was very unusual. Normally if you were leaving you would almost always make sure to tell someone first. For that not to be the case was definitely strange.

But, it wasn't entirely that unusual. It happened every now and again. If someone was in a hurry they often forget to do that.

"Well, maybe she had to go to the school early and just forgot to tell us?" Hisame offered as an explanation. That was the most plausible answer.

"Yeah, that's probably it." Suzu agreed.

"She hasn't answered her phone, though." Souda said.

That was the most confusing part. You would think that she would at least have answered her phone. But, there were still reasons that she might not have been able to yet.

"She could be too busy to look at it." Suzu reasoned, "She might be in a meeting or something."

Souda sighed, "I guess that might be so. It's just very unusual of her to do something like this."

"We'll find her. I'm sure she's just at school already." Suzu repeated her point.

"Alright. I don't doubt she's there either. It's just strange to not be able to get a hold of her."

After a bit more conversation, the three Seiran girls headed out. Seisho was off today due to a sudden mechanical issue in the school. Sakura didn't have class today and neither did Souda. They were just hanging out at home for the day.

"So... where do you think mom is at?" Hisame questioned as they walked to the school, "I agree with momma that it is weird she hasn't responded to any texts. I wonder what she's doing."

"Could have left her phone in her office and went to do something." Koharu answered, "Let's check there first."

"Sounds like a plan."

It didn't take long until they reached the school. There weren't many students around. Most were probably still in the dorms. Ever since being adopted, the three of them had all started just walking from the house instead of staying in the dorms.

"Alright, let's go-"

The moment they stepped through the front door, everything went black.

"Nn... what happened?"

They found themselves in a dark place. They were laying on the ground. Koharu was the first to get up. She sat up and looked around. There was nothing in sight. Just more darkness.

"Where are we...?" She whispered.

"Huh?" Suzu sat up next, "Wait. We're in our revue outfits."

Koharu looked down, "We are. That's probably not a good sign."

"Ow... my head is killing me..." Hisame grumbled as she finally pulled herself up into a sitting position, "What the hell happened to us?"

"I don't know..." Suzu said, "We were just entering the school and then... we're here."

"Do you... think mom is here? And that's why she wasn't responding to momma?" Koharu questioned.

"Eh? You think mom ended up here?"


"But... where is she then?"

"There's a light down there! Let's check it out!" Suzu exclaimed and pointed into the darkness.

Two Useless Lesbians and Their Four Children: A Revue Starlight FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz